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Thread: Townsville m&g

  1. #1

    Townsville m&g

    Just a quick note for the guys that made it down to the river I am sorry i nicked of once i got to bowen rd. I had a cast all the way up and through the golf course where i could get to the river no luck on the softies i wont give up yet. I am pretty crook with the flu at the moment and with a bit of heat i started puking so i called for a medivak ( thewife) and made for home before i dehydrated. any hopefully will get another chance to catch up and once again sorry for being so rude once i got to bowen rd but the cook was waiting and i felt like crap.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Townsville m&g

    Dont be sorry mate.
    It's pretty typical for you townsville types to put in such an ordinary effort when it comes to fishing.
    If you are ever up my way let me know and we might actually catch a fish or 2....though it may be better to visit a barra farm where the fishing is a bit less strenuous for you.

    just kidding mate.hope you are feeling better

    Last edited by disorderly; 02-12-2007 at 07:23 AM.

  3. #3

    Re: Townsville m&g

    Hey Disorderly, have a question for you!

    Do you get to Mission Beach much. I am looking at getting a Formosa 550 Centre Cab and as usual there isn't a dealer in Townsville. Have you had a chance to see any at the Tinnie Shack at Mission Beach (if you've been in that direction lately).

    Would really appreciate a set of eyes on one to let me know whether or not its worth the trip up to Mission to have a real good look!!

    Any help would be much appreciated!!!
    Last edited by levinge; 02-12-2007 at 10:26 PM.

  4. #4

    Re: Townsville m&g

    I havn't been in for a close look but he has got some real nice looking boats in there.

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