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Thread: gold coast though 2 the big blue sea

  1. #1

    gold coast though 2 the big blue sea

    hi fello aus fishers. i have been though the sea way on the goldy out to the big blue sea only a few times. loved every miniute of it. because im unexperinced at offshore i only go when its realy good weather. i have a few questions so i can atleast bring a fish home to the cook. (she stays at home thats why i love every miniute of it) last time i went out the tide was running out & you could see a line of dirty water on the northen side from the water runing out from the seaway. does any1 fish this dirty line? is there a map or a web site for gps marks of the goldy for the local knowledge fishing grounds or if some1 can pm them to me that would be great. and my last question is where can you get live bait from? have a good1 n a great next fishing trip. BILL

  2. #2

    Re: gold coast though 2 the big blue sea

    Quote Originally Posted by BILLSMITH View Post
    hi fello aus fishers. i have been though the sea way on the goldy out to the big blue sea only a few times. loved every miniute of it. because im unexperinced at offshore i only go when its realy good weather. i have a few questions so i can atleast bring a fish home to the cook. (she stays at home thats why i love every miniute of it) last time i went out the tide was running out & you could see a line of dirty water on the northen side from the water runing out from the seaway. does any1 fish this dirty line? is there a map or a web site for gps marks of the goldy for the local knowledge fishing grounds or if some1 can pm them to me that would be great. and my last question is where can you get live bait from? have a good1 n a great next fishing trip. BILL
    Plenty of marks on the web:

    Their pretty general though...use your sounder to find pinnacles/bait balls

    Scottish Prince/Straight out from Sand Pumping Jetty for livies

    Send us a pm if you want to head outside....happy to show you a few spots.

  3. #3

    Re: gold coast though 2 the big blue sea

    Buy the book 500 hottest fishing spot and gps coordinates. I wouldn't call them the hottest but they do lead you in the right direction.


  4. #4

    Re: gold coast though 2 the big blue sea

    thanks guys. im thinking of headin out next weekend, weather dependin of coarse. il do some homework first though. do you ever fish the dirty line frankgrimes? have a good1 bill..

  5. #5

    Re: gold coast though 2 the big blue sea

    Hi Bill, I'll Pm you 2morrow. Bit busy now but I'm also headed out sat, we might catch up.


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