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Thread: stuck anchor

  1. #16
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Oct 2006

    Re: stuck anchor

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    As simmo2 suggests most every cases when a cetain amount of pressure is applied the lighter gauge reef pick tynes just straighten and the anchor comes free.but not this time...simmo I also have problem with the chain fouling the anchor if I dont keep tension on it as it heads to the bottom.
    I have also lost 2 anchors due to not replacing old worn out rope..but that was due to my own slackness.(No prop chopping
    I now have new12mm rope and I doubt that I would be able to break this(despite the fierce power of the E-tec ).

    FNQ, I'd say that anchoring on any wreck involves some element of risk regarding anchors lost..lots of solid structure to get caught up on.

    Snelly,it did feel to me like there was some fouling of the chain which was my dilemma as I was trying to free the anchor and I knew the rope was not going to break but at some point as I kept giving it more and more I was a little worried that the nose would go down as a swell came through and get us into some strife.

    Noel .I would have lost around $100 if i cut it.I'm a cheap b@stard hence my question on when people would cut it.

    As for the zip tyes I,'ve never had a problem before with a reef pick and as mentioned I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink with this method.

    Leezor,mate thats a real interesting look .Cant even blame the deckie when it was you at the helm.BTW I just joined the offshore lightboard club last weekend.(and launched without bungs..) .

    Shane,hope you get out this weekend ..just keep an eye on the storms/squalls.

    Hi Scott...I know there are formulas for working out how much chain and rope is to be let out.....I never ...never follow this and Have never had any problems with getting my anchor back or dragging whilst on anchor..

    I usually only run about 1 meter of real heavy to a little commercial boat...about 3/8 chain i think....and i would only let out approx 50 meters extra of rope anchoring in 150 meters...


  2. #17

    Re: stuck anchor

    As a diver i have seen all sorts of stuck anchors, Even had my own pass through a hole in the side of a wreak, lucky for me i was able to dive and recover it. Anchoring over night with tide changes is when its more likely to happen but the cost of a lost anchor is cheap compared to damage too or a lost boat. I always give it a go but i know my boat and in the end would rather cut the rope than risk my pride and joy. Cheers

  3. #18

    Re: stuck anchor

    Can anyone tell me where i track down the mooloolaba anchors. Often heard them mentioned but can't find them.

  4. #19

    Re: stuck anchor

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Leezor,mate thats a real interesting look .Cant even blame the deckie when it was you at the helm.BTW I just joined the offshore lightboard club last weekend.(and launched without bungs..) .
    Yeah mate it went off with a bang, almost shat myself! My young fella was on the bow when it snapped, he was not impressed

  5. #20
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Nov 2006

    Re: stuck anchor

    We cut a rope in 70m of water off morten 6yrs ago. Normal reef pick could not budge it. The interesting thing was diving 7m down to cut under the ball that had been pulled under. Also how easily rope cuts under pressure.

  6. #21

    Re: stuck anchor

    and how quickly the deckie got back into the boat
    good thing i am a finely tuned athlete

  7. #22

    Re: stuck anchor

    Ive lost 2 anchors both in the same spot; curtain reef.The first one was in a storm with 45 knot winds,the rope broke at 9.30 at night must have cut thru on a wreck.We motored up to the bouys out from bulwer and tied off for a very ruff night,one of the crew slept with a life jacket on all night .

  8. #23

    Re: stuck anchor

    This thread just brought up a question for me. What happens if your ground tackle is all chain? Do you carry a bolt cutter on board?

  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: stuck anchor


    Just remember to lift your motor(s) out of the water when on moorings in high winds particularly were there are strong tidal flows as at Bulwer.


  10. #25

    Re: stuck anchor

    i've cut 2 reef anchors off. Both times it was obvious that the chain had got caught. The boat has enough power to straighten out the tynes if it is just the anchor that is caught. As said before, I get frightened when I see Col Buckley (guru) recommending pulling the anchor up from the stern. I'd have sunk the boat twice if I did that.

  11. #26

    Re: stuck anchor

    Quote Originally Posted by littlejim View Post
    i've cut 2 reef anchors off. Both times it was obvious that the chain had got caught. The boat has enough power to straighten out the tynes if it is just the anchor that is caught. As said before, I get frightened when I see Col Buckley (guru) recommending pulling the anchor up from the stern. I'd have sunk the boat twice if I did that.
    Yeah I was in a mates boat at curtain when he tried the stern tie off, got pretty scary sort of fast, knife went through the rope like butter.
    cheers fnq
    Last edited by FNQCairns; 03-12-2007 at 04:01 PM.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: stuck anchor

    Quote Originally Posted by littlejim View Post
    i've cut 2 reef anchors off. Both times it was obvious that the chain had got caught. The boat has enough power to straighten out the tynes if it is just the anchor that is caught. As said before, I get frightened when I see Col Buckley (guru) recommending pulling the anchor up from the stern. I'd have sunk the boat twice if I did that.
    This was my original dilemma .It was obvious that the chain or anchor had somehow fouled and despite trying to raise it with some slack and also with it pulled in so it was directly beneath the boat,I really didn't think it was going to let go but I kept saying to myself "just one more more try..".I don't know how much longer I would have persevered.
    It also demonstrated to me that there is some danger involved even when tied off to the front of the boat with a 1.5 meter swell.When there was enough slack that the front just swung around in a circle there was no problem,however with all the slack pulled in and the anchor directly below once the motor was gunned there was only one way for the front of the boat to go...downwards..and if that coincided with a swell coming through then perhaps my deckie was right to be quite frightened.
    I don't even want to think what may have happened if we were tied off at the stern...


  13. #28

    Re: stuck anchor

    Quote Originally Posted by SgBFish View Post

    Just remember to lift your motor(s) out of the water when on moorings in high winds particularly were there are strong tidal flows as at Bulwer.

    Yes scott that would be good to do if i had clip-on's but it was a 20 metre vessel,it was about 5 years ago easter time,blew like hell for a week.

  14. #29

    Re: stuck anchor

    I remember back in my trawler days when the center net chain got hooked up on something solid.

    We winched in until the 45' trawler was directly over the hookup and kept on winching.

    The decks were actually pulled underwater and the motor labouring heavily, before the chain on the net broke and the trawler popped to the surface.

    I was getting a bit nervous by then.

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