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Election Fallout ~ Have Your Say - Page 3
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Thread: Election Fallout ~ Have Your Say

  1. #31

    Re: Mod5 ??

    Threat of legal action..... I missing that in Phills post somewhere Pinhead or was that referring to something else mate cause that confused me a bit. I thought he was talking about still fighting the state issue on the Bay.


  2. #32
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Mod5 ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Ryan View Post
    Threat of legal action..... I missing that in Phills post somewhere Pinhead or was that referring to something else mate cause that confused me a bit. I thought he was talking about still fighting the state issue on the Bay.


    oops..I meant Steve

  3. #33
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Mod5 ??

    Alas, KC..that is politics..a game of dirty tricks.
    Not one leader of a political party in this country has survived without one thing..a damn good whip..ask Dr Bruce Flegg at the moment. Without one of those you are history. In the case of a flegling party someone who is very savvy to the current dirty tricks campaigns is required. Without that ..well..we have seen what happens.
    I believe every candidate originally puts theor name forward with the aim of doing some good for the community but then that evil thing steps in..the power involved..then it all becomes a power trip which can be all consuming and they will do anything to get or retain that power. You certainly would not do the job for the lousy money they get paid.

  4. #34

    Re: Mod5 ??

    Thanks for clearing that up Pinhead - thought I was going crazy - then again maybe I am after these past weeks

    Last edited by Chris Ryan; 28-11-2007 at 08:10 PM. Reason: smiley didn't work

  5. #35

    Re: Mod5 ??

    On election night I hounded the AEC site for real time info and then even posted how much of a sucsess the fishing vote had in the senate, then I started reading here that somehow we had lost and it was all a waste of time, all I can say is what parallel dimension are those that believe the result was a failure??

    What was set out to be achieved was achieved - keeping the greens away from the balance of power, that was the true aim and the must be met cryteria to make a difference, electing KC to the senate would have been cream on top but we must live in the real world, every other party knows what the deal is now they know the senate landscape has again been seriously changed by the fishing vote, how can this be denied or ignored??

    How long did it take the greens to have an impact at their start?? Fair dinkum what seat of their pants team wins a world series without first playing in the semi finals - outside of a hollywood movie.

    I have not met KC in any capacity that he would know who I am, nor have I corresponded with him by PM/email for around 4 years but I can tell all those on here that without his work nothing that HAS been achieved would have been achieved, every single fisherman is so much safer from illegal prosecution Australia wide, this could not have occured by any other means + other substantial wins for fishers, all those fought for fishing related gains from the feds, none would have happened!.

    The original election result which got Barnaby Joyce on our side federally was a huge success, this has now been continued from the result just past, again why was this last result an abstract failure.

    The entire history of the fishing vote as it relates to KCs involvement has been nothing but a total success!! There were only 2 notable failures last election the libs and the democrats, we did again wound the greens in the same way as last election which was rightly called a success and did achieve much for the average fisho in the time since.

    When I was 15 I thought I was going to be a millionair by the time I was 30, now 40ish and still working on it, fantacy should always be the first casualty of reality.

    cheers fnq
    Last edited by FNQCairns; 28-11-2007 at 08:21 PM.

  6. #36
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Mod5 ??

    There were only 2 notable failures last election the libs and the democrats
    That statement just goes to show how badly the Nationals did. So bad that people even forget to mention them as a failure.

    The election result was as good as you could expect given the lack of media exposure and advertising funds of both fishing parties. I still stand by my earlier statement that I think a unified party should operate under a different name. Specifically having the word 'fishing' in the name makes other outdoor pursuits look like an ugly sister, and we need all the support we can get.

    On the point of the threads being locked, I was surprised when I saw that. Some were no surprise, other than they had not been terminated earlier, but others I thought were constructive. But I accept I don't see every post, and trust that a thread would only be locked if it absolutely had to be. Looking through some of Mod5's other posts (all these suspended threads got me curious), it seems that he is fair and reasonable. I particularly like the fact that he posts up warnings so everyone can see what is borderline, and unacceptable. Also, given that all mods agreed, then unfortunately there must have been enough to warrant their closure.

    I think now is the time to start looking towards the next election, but as Phill and Steve have pointed out, the more pressing matter for SEQ anglers right now are the impending green zones from Caloundra to the Gold Coast. Phill am I correct in assuming from your earlier post that you have some knowledge, or plan of action in mind?

    ( Yes, I / We have many things in mind that are going to be implimented asap. pm me !......... Cheers Phill.... modified post... )
    Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 28-11-2007 at 09:10 PM.

  7. #37

    Re: Mod5 ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Fafnir View Post
    That statement just goes to show how badly the Nationals did. So bad that people even forget to mention them as a failure.
    Yeah point taken on the nationals.

    cheers fnq

  8. #38

    Re: Mod5 ??

    Why is all this being posted under my name


  9. #39
    Ausfish Silver Member Simmo2's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Re: Mod5 ??

    Quote Originally Posted by mod5 View Post
    Why is all this being posted under my name
    Hehe, you have the extra button on the tool bar!! Edit the title!!

  10. #40

    Re: Mod5 ??

    If the "fishing vote" was, in QLD, big political news after the election. What chance a different outcome in the bay?

    We will never know!!

    The "fishing vote" was deemed to be a threat. It was stopped. Good result for those that benifited, bad result for those who fish.


  11. #41

    Re: Mod5 ??

    These threads take the form of informing us of alternate point of view, informed or not so yes abusive stuff becomes a bit of a turnoff but we need the tough interaction to get the issues nutted out. This little campaign has interested me enough to get laughed at yet work many hours to lift the profile of our issues. If we inform the grass roots and up of what concerns us I can only belive that it will have an effect. If nothing else it creates a forum for discussion.

    I've had good discussions with both my federal and state member as well as their grass roots people. I've mistaken my Mayor for the national candidate and we had a good laugh about it and I'll be meeting a potential new Mayor next week. I'm not going to stick my concerns under a chair and i would say that this election has still shown people that there are issues that they may need to take into consideration when they propose policies, council, state and federal. I think this is all good.

    I'd be interested if someone can point me to the spot on the AEC website that states what senators are confirmed, I was today informed by the AEC that there are a few issues with the count at a couple booths that concern me so its not all tallied right yet. I'll grab some more of that Moreton Bay info as well Phil thanks. Doesn't hurt to be informed.

    Now with all these looming closures of habitat areas and people focusing on these issues is there any reason we should not be using the time to push for the creating of new habitat areas ie artificial reefs. Seems to me to be a good approach that may even keep the greens happy. Maybe another thread there but I'm not starting that tonight. The Gold Coast sure as anything requires an artificial reef or two or three..

  12. #42

    Re: Mod5 ??

    Mod5 fair and reasonable to the point that a thread now bears his/her name... maybe Mod5 for the Senate will be the next big push.

  13. #43

    Re: Mod5 ??

    Quote Originally Posted by kc View Post
    Maybe, given the issue the mods may wish to move this to a separte thread or delete it, or even remove for posting at a later date. Their call and no issue with whatever they decide to do. KC

    The overview has been completed but it is both complex, wordy and, by necessity in great detail and just too long to post here.

    Following is a dot point/abridged version for Ausfish but if anyone wants to read the entire document they will need to email me direct (not PM me) at

    In dot point form however it covers the following issues.

    • Was the TFPQ a separate legal entity with the right to register separately with the AEC? Legal opinion, sections of the act etc.
    • What was behind the decision to register separately and who was involved in the decision and what/who were the reasons, personnel & timelines involved?
    • What was the reason behind Shane’s decision to leave TFPQ and throw his support behind TFP in NSW?
    • The late entry by the TFP into the QLD Senate election clearly destroyed the Fishing Vote in Qld. Until this late entry the fishing vote was going to be united, even if AFLP and TFP were not. This announcement was not made until after the group voting ticket (preference arrangements) had been made and then, at such late notice, it was Bob Smith & his daughter who were the last minute candidates. Why?
    • Someone benefited from the fracturing of the Fishing Vote. Clearly it was not AFLP and it was not TFP either. It most certainly was not the recreational fishing community. Those responsible have both blood on their hands AND an issue which the Federal Police will investigate…might even end up being called…Wait for it……Fishgate! What just happened is against the law. Voters were deceived.
    • A review of the various preferencing arrangements and preference flows, which did occur and would have occurred.
    • The issue of the legality of the TFP statement that they were running to ensure the National Party got its preferences. It is against the law to run in an election for the sole purpose of gathering votes on behalf of another party.
    • The issue of any illegal practices within the scope of the electoral act and trade practices act.
    • All documentation, minutes of meetings, email trails and substantiated evidence is either included, or, available as this will form a brief to legal counsel, AEC, Federal police and the media.

    As a summary of the document it has to be added that something very dodgy just happened and it may well have been as a result of political interference in the fair electoral process.

    It is clearly an incredibly dirty game and we have naively blundered into it and maybe have no place playing with fire. The fishing vote, in QLD, was a threat. It was a threat to the system, a threat to both sitting and potential Candidates and had to be stopped. It was.
    Bombastic attitudes, bold, red letter proclamations and lack of political acumen all contributed but in the end all those involved, myself included, were outsmarted and played like fools by experts. Some of us can see it. Some of us can not and maybe never will.

    By any view and with the value of all advice, including that of the senior lawyers at the Australian Electoral Commission, there is no issue as to our ability to register.
    If the best TFP can do is trot out self styled and unqualified legal opinion from Terry Sharpels/Ned Kelly then we clearly don’t have too much to worry about in this regard.

    That Shane can cry foul, so loudly and in big bold red letters, does not change the fact that he was absolutely involved in the process of the separate registration, which was minuted. It also supports the fact that he left the party, due to him being told he would not be the Senate candidate. Shane is a convert of convenience, not of morality or ethics.
    This was always about personal ambition, not about what is best for recreational fishing and again, minutes of meetings and personal emails will attest to this. Shane’s reason for involvement in politics is an overwhelming ambition to be elected to something, anything, and TFPQ was his chance. When this ceased to be his chance he switched camps and has tried ever since to justify this change. It is, in light of the evidence, email trails and minutes of meetings, an indefensible position.

    The biggest and most disheartening thing to come from this fiasco is that the recreational fishing movement, after crawling into the main game for 4 years has now taken a body blow as a result of political power struggles and self interest.

    I will personally take the hint and I do not believe I should have any more involvement in the executive of our party. It would be wrong. It would be damaging and it would allow no chance for those who will take the party forward to build any bridges.

    I can’t wait till I get the chance to hand out how to vote cards for our next senate candidate from a united recreational fishing movement in which Shane, Bob Smith and the puppet master who pulled the strings on this fiasco have no part to play.

    I will involve myself in this thread for a while and then retire to the fishing chat pages and for sale sections. It’s been an interesting ride for 4 years and we have made some positive difference. What just went on, particularly when the background is exposed, has however, taken away any chance of looking back with any fondness. The quest for power is the great corrupter and nothing will ever stand between a politician and votes, least of all morality, ethics or any semblance of personal loyalties.

    I have just read the document mentioned above and found it quite mind blowing. Suggest that those who are really interested email Kev Collins.


  14. #44

    Re: Mod5 ??


    They recon you have made it in politics when you have a political cartoon.

    We just got a typically dishonourable mention on Chaser

    All good.

    So far I have had a couple of requests for the full blown review. Be interesting to see what the fall-out is.

    I do have to say I worry for the bay. I grew up there and loved the place (before I discovered barramundi).

    If it goes the way of the GBR then vail fishing in the SE, its future died on Saturday nights so someone elses would live on.


  15. #45
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Mod5 ??

    Crikey's, the greenies dont need to be worried about us mob.

    We are too busy hassling each other rather than uniting and becoming a unified political force.


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