Hi all
The following media release has been issued this morning. Please note: The report referred to can be found on the Marine Queensland website at:
Fishing industry solution to the rezoning of Moreton Bay Marine Park
Recreational and commercial fishers have worked together to develop a proposal for zoning the Moreton Bay Marine Park that will protect the Bay for the future, whilst minimizing impact on livelihoods and leisure – a win win for everyone.
In a unique working partnership, commercial and recreational fishers, have developed alternative areas for higher protection that achieve the same conservation objectives while minimising the impact on fishers. Earlier this year the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provided suggested areas for higher protection within Moreton Bay as part of the review of the marine parks in the region.
Fishers believe that although the alternatives proposed will still result in jobs lost, that a small amount of pain may be necessary to protect the Bay for the future.
Bruce Alvey, Chair of the Moreton Bay Access Alliance (MBAA) says that it is in the best interests of fishers to see the Bay protected, but that any comprehensive zoning arrangements must allow for continued use by recreational and commercial fishers.
“We have worked very hard on this alternative zoning proposal and believe that it is the best placement of additional green or no-take zones. All industries and sectors involved in the process agreed from the beginning that in order for green zones to genuinely protect habitat, that all users should be excluded from these zones”.
“We also agreed that the placement of all other protection zones (e.g. yellow or blue) should also be based on a thorough risk assessment of activity versus habitat. It doesn’t matter who is on the end of a crab pot, it has the same impact on the sea bottom, regardless of the user”, said Mr Alvey.
“We hope the EPA will incorporate our research and proposal into their draft zoning arrangements, which are due in late 2007. The proof will be in the pudding”, said Mr Alvey.
Chairman of the Moreton Bay Seafood Industry Association (MBSIA), Robert Brock says that the groups have worked very hard together to come up with a solution that would protect Moreton Bay for the future, whilst maintaining a sustainable fishing industry.
“We openly acknowledge that this proposal will result in some pain for both the commercial and recreational fishing sectors. Our research project has proven that whilst all of the Bay is fished in some form or another, there are certain areas that are more highly productive for fisheries, said Mr Brock.
“Our joint proposal would allow access to highly productive fishing areas, whilst offering protection to 18% of seagrass habitat important for dugong populations and 29% of riverine/estuarine habitat, that far exceeds the EPA’s goal of 10% protection for each habitat type. On top of this are existing fishing closures managed under fisheries legislation and the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries.
Dr Daryl McPhee of the University of Queensland who has lead development of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)-funded research report due to be released late 2007 believes that this industry-driven zoning proposal would protect the Bay’s habitats for the future.
“Increasing the overall protection of Moreton Bay’s habitat through green zones from 0.5 per cent to 10 per cent is a 20-fold increase. The habitats that have been allocated highest levels of protection under the industry proposal are important in that they support communities of protected species such as dugongs, said Dr McPhee.”
This zoning proposal forms part of a $226,000 research project funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) that aims to collect data crucial to the review of the Moreton Bay Marine Park.
Please join us for photo opportunities by the water at Brett’s Wharf, Kingsford Smith Drive, Hamilton on Monday 26 November 2007 from 11am.
For more information please contact:
Bruce Alvey, Chair, Moreton Bay Access Alliance 0427 170 956 or Kellie Williams, CEO, Moreton Bay Seafood Industry Association 3868 1125
For a copy of the maps and executive summary, please go to