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Thread: Leader Length for Mackerel and Wahoo

  1. #1

    Leader Length for Mackerel and Wahoo

    I am rigging some bibbless minows ond bibbed minows for Mackerel and Wahoo. I am rigging the bibbless on 90lb 7 strand wire and the bibbed on 80lb mono what length would you recomend I run the leader to the snap? Will be trolling at around 6 knots.


  2. #2

    Re: Leader Length for Mackerel and Wahoo

    If your talking about spanish macks and wahoo i wouldn't even bother putting your boat in the water unless your going to use wire i fish commercially for both and have a fairly big quota on spanish and i use 130 lb seven strand as the 90lb i used to use lost some horse fish over the years and sometimes comes in with the fish on with only a couple of strands hanging in there.

  3. #3

    Re: Leader Length for Mackerel and Wahoo

    I always use single strand wire for lures and gangs
    Dad uses Jinkai on his rigs and has good results
    Oh and run a wire at least 5 foot long
    1500mm long
    Last edited by jtpython; 25-11-2007 at 10:17 PM. Reason: forgotten sentance
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