Wow what a way to finish a great fishing week! Headed out to the Barwon's yesterday with Olives & Cheese in Johnny's l-o-v-e-l-y 2400 offshore Kevlar Cat Bad Bax. What a nice boat. The twin 140's 'zukes spinning at 3500-4000revs meant a g0od clip of 40 plus klm/hr got us out to the marks in around 1 hr! and that was in some 1.5mt sloppy swell but the catty made short work of it. I was very impressed. Other crew was a couple of mates of John's, Harold and fellow ausfisher Ballsy.
We fished the deeper water first up and shortly into the first drop both Johnny and I hook up into a couple of solid squapper to 3kgs. We all thought it was gonna be on, but a couple of drifts later we failed to add any more fish to the box so we headed up to the shallower territory along the outside edge of the Banks.
Out with the Nuclear Chickens!
Now Olives & Cheese is a little skeptical of the value of plastics but shortly the count is plastics 3, bait 2 and they were the two fish caught earlier so John decides to give it a whirl. First drop he gets absoluetly monstered by an unstoppable, on the subsequent 3 drops he pulls three fish, a couple of size red throats and a pearlie and I can see the veil of skepticism begin to I wouldn't call him a convert to the dark side, but I saw the gleam in the eye as he considered the possibilities. Need to get some more gear!!!
Harold and Ballsy are decidely quiet while our bag total is starting to build...we've added a few nice Pearlies, a couple of solid Venus Tuskies, another Squapper or two and some "juster keeper" Red Throat and had thrown a heap of Red Throat "just unders" back.
Harold pulls up a nice big occy and I thought yew beauty! Fresh bait. So i put the plastics away for a while, dispatched the occy and nicked a couple of juicy tentacles to float a good bait on a gang of 2, 5/0's under a 2 ball sinker. It wasn't long before the pickers swarmed on the fresh occy and I continued to bag some nice just legal Red Throat.
Finally Ballsy chimes in with a nice snapper to around 6kg, the best fish of the trip, and the bite continued into the morning as the wind dropped out and a beautiful day was presenting itself in paradise.
I'm swapping rods between plastics and occy continuing to get a few on each, but it was the occy that accounted for my best fish, a PB Red throat to around 3kg, nice fish on light gear, man they pull hard. I was very happy.
Johnny called it around 1.30pm. We were home within an hour at 5000rpm and 60klm hr in pretty good conditions. Those catty things sure get along and give a very nice ride.
So final count for the trip, 6 Snapps, 3 Venus Tuskies, 8 Red Throat, and a couple of Pearlies for a total bag of around 20 fish. Not a bad day! Got some photo's, just waiting for Johnny to send them through to post them up.
Till next time