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Thread: ALP fishing policy

  1. #1

    ALP fishing policy

    I have emailed the major parties asking for information in relation to our favourite past time, so far the ALP have been to only one's to respond, attaching their fishing policy to the reply, also providing a link to the relevant information on their website. By no means am I loyal to any party, I just vote for who ever will give me the best 'deal' so to speak. I don't know if this has already been posted earlier, as I havn't seen any material such as this, and thought before we go to the polls tomorrow, people should become familiar with this policy, especially after what I have read here, where most people's votes will be swayed by fishing policy. I firmly believe an informed vote will be the right vote, and obviously this can;t happen if we don't have all the available information.

    ((Labor’s plan for sustainable
    Senator Kerry O’Brien
    Shadow Minister for Primary Industries, Fisheries and Forestry
    ELECTION 2007
    The Howard Government has the worst fisheries management record of any government in
    Australian history, with the number of fisheries classified as ‘overfished’ increasing from four
    in 1996 to 24 in 2005.
    As a result of this decline, the Government was forced to spend $220 million over two years
    restructuring Commonwealth-managed fisheries to buy back licences to address
    unsustainable harvesting levels.
    Even today, 19 species are classified as ‘overfished’ – and it will not be known for years
    whether the Government’s fishing licence buyback has had a positive effect on our fish

    On the Howard Government’s watch, Australia’s fisheries have suffered from:
    An escalation of overfishing.

    Rising unemployment and job losses in the fishing industry.

    Declining gross value production and profitability.

    Rising imports and declining exports.

    Inadequate planning for climate change.
    Rising fuel prices, declining real fish prices, poor water quality and loss of habitat have also
    had a major impact on the productivity and profitability of our fisheries.
    The Howard Government has not only failed to address these challenges to our $2 billion
    fishing industry – it has also failed to help the industry prepare for the future.

    Election 07
    Policy Document Labor’s plan for sustainable fisheries
    New Leadership

    In contrast to the Howard Government’s decade of inaction, a Rudd Labor Government will
    invest in a comprehensive plan for sustainable fisheries.
    Plan for Sustainable Fisheries will assist Australia’s seafood producers to return to
    profitability, improve recreational fishing opportunities and ensure the long-term sustainable
    management of our marine and freshwater fisheries resources.
    Plan for Sustainable Fisheries will also strengthen the economic independence of
    Torres Strait Islander communities, and fast track the implementation of a
    Climate Change
    and Fisheries Action Plan
    Under Labor’s
    Plan for Sustainable Fisheries, a Rudd Labor Government will reprioritise
    government spending to invest:

    $2 million to develop a new Recreational Fishing Industry Development Strategy.

    $4.3 million in an expanded Fisheries Research Program.

    $5 million in a new Promoting Australian Produce initiative.

    $10 million in a new Seafood Industry Productivity and Innovation Program.

    $7.5 million in a Torres Strait Commercial Line Fishery Reallocation initiative.

    A Rudd Labor Government will invest in a comprehensive fisheries
    plan to ensure the long-term sustainable management of our marine
    and freshwater fisheries. ))

    also the link to their site for more informetion is:

    As I stated earlier, I am in no way a "Labor Man", I just get all the information I can, and try to work out who is offering me the best deal before giving them my votes.

  2. #2

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    Labor are also in bed with the Greens so I think we well and truly know what their fishing policies will be!!!

  3. #3

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    Absolutely right Leanne - What a grand life for the greenies if Rudd and Garret run it all. May as well sell the boat and 4wd.

    2 mill for rec fishing - ROFLPMS

  4. #4

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    I'm sick of all the greeny bashing that goes on this site.

    Without environmental sustainability there is no future for fishing period!!

    There are plenty of greenies who fish and even a few like me who hunt.

    If we want to alienate the animal libber extreemist from the Green Party while still helping to support the party promote policies toward greater environmental sustainability (which they do focus on more than any of the majors) then I say join them - the majority of greens arn't extreemists (though there are some in the party like any party) - if more conservationist minded fishers joined the greens we will help build a better Green movement. Support for teh major partries and their growth based economic philosophies is ultimately going to stuff the ecosystems our fishing depends on - Jim
    'Stick to fishing instead of fighting' - JC

  5. #5

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim_Tait View Post
    I'm sick of all the greeny bashing that goes on this site.

    Without environmental sustainability there is no future for fishing period!!

    There are plenty of greenies who fish and even a few like me who hunt.

    If we want to alienate the animal libber extreemist from the Green Party while still helping to support the party promote policies toward greater environmental sustainability (which they do focus on more than any of the majors) then I say join them - the majority of greens arn't extreemists (though there are some in the party like any party) - if more conservationist minded fishers joined the greens we will help build a better Green movement. Support for teh major partries and their growth based economic philosophies is ultimately going to stuff the ecosystems our fishing depends on - Jim
    There is good reason for greenie bashing, ever dropped a watermellon onto concrete?, green on the outside, red inside, these are the typical greens and green morals. There is nothing the greens have done for the environment that was not first the interlectual right of science, they ride on science's shirt tails all the while bluffing the great unwashed that without them nothing would have changed which is absolutly incorrect.

    Whe greens get moreton bay re-clasified and deny thousands recreation when science says they are not the problem, the greenies get the reef stolen form thousands when science says - solid science! that there is no justification for the action - actually less than none, horse riders, dirbikers all barstardised in the colloquial (sp) by national parks greenie powerplays.

    Watermellons they are and when non hybrid rego's triple, fuel doubles, electricity doubles, meat is slowly phased out as redundent because the greenies believe there are better ways of doing things LIKE THEIR WAY ONLY! and no family can enjoy the outdoors because they are too ugly a blot on the pristine weed ridden landcape or the silted marine environment where do we turn? Slowly people lose their perspective and it was as if there never was any, it's a solid plan and has worked well so far, the %40 no longer fishing in FNQ due to watermellons may as well never have existed, their offspring will never get the chance to experience the option better to do some drugs do some damage and go back to the green high density artificial living environment - DONT WALK ON THE GRASS!

    Where we are today was not concievable 20 years ago yet the only positive difference the greenies have made to the environment was a social one and that's ONLY if you firmly believe people and the natural environment are exclusive of each other.

    cheers fnq

  6. #6

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    Quote Originally Posted by FNQCairns View Post
    There is good reason for greenie bashing, ever dropped a watermellon onto concrete?, green on the outside, red inside, these are the typical greens and green morals. There is nothing the greens have done for the environment that was not first the interlectual right of science, they ride on science's shirt tails all the while bluffing the great unwashed that without them nothing would have changed which is absolutly incorrect.

    Whe greens get moreton bay re-clasified and deny thousands recreation when science says they are not the problem, the greenies get the reef stolen form thousands when science says - solid science! that there is no justification for the action - actually less than none, horse riders, dirbikers all barstardised in the colloquial (sp) by national parks greenie powerplays.

    Watermellons they are and when non hybrid rego's triple, fuel doubles, electricity doubles, meat is slowly phased out as redundent because the greenies believe there are better ways of doing things LIKE THEIR WAY ONLY! and no family can enjoy the outdoors because they are too ugly a blot on the pristine weed ridden landcape or the silted marine environment where do we turn? Slowly people lose their perspective and it was as if there never was any, it's a solid plan and has worked well so far, the %40 no longer fishing in FNQ due to watermellons may as well never have existed, their offspring will never get the chance to experience the option better to do some drugs do some damage and go back to the green high density artificial living environment - DONT WALK ON THE GRASS!

    Where we are today was not concievable 20 years ago yet the only positive difference the greenies have made to the environment was a social one and that's ONLY if you firmly believe people and the natural environment are exclusive of each other.

    cheers fnq
    I have heard this figure of 40% of people who used to go fishing no longer do, bandied around for a while now.

    Can anyone tell me please where this figure came from?

    Who collected the data?

    What methods were used to collect the data?

    What analysis was undertaken of the data?

    Where is the data?

    I have yet to see anything published on this.


  7. #7

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    Another thing.

    Can anyone tell me what National Parks in Queensland have been locked up in the last 5 years so that normal access is no longer allowed in them.

    If you do know any, can you please tell me where it is written and documented that access is no longer allowed.



  8. #8

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    Geez Derek you're radical - your want a rational debate with facts and every thing!!

    By the way FNQ last time I checked the reef was still there - seems like the fishing has even picked up in a few places - not that I'd dare suggest that it was anything to do with zonal management !!

    Bout the only thing that might really make the reef 'disappear' will be sea level rise and ocean acidification coutesy of Greenhouse and climate change- things the major parties have helped drive through their committment to turning Australia into China's coal quarry and avoiding committments to Kyoto and alternative energy!!

    With all your emotive clap trap FNQ your just as bad as any of the more radical greenies I've come across in terms of doining a disservice to the truth.

    'Stick to fishing instead of fighting' - JC

  9. #9

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    PS this watermelon is quite proud to have a bit of red on the inside (I'm more in favor of some socialist safety netting that a culture of private greed anyday) - by the way NQ has a proud 'red' past - having the only electorate that voted a communist member in years ago - and I'm a proud north Queenslander (5th generation) - Jim
    'Stick to fishing instead of fighting' - JC

  10. #10

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    Quote Originally Posted by Derek Bullock View Post
    I have heard this figure of 40% of people who used to go fishing no longer do, bandied around for a while now.

    Can anyone tell me please where this figure came from?

    Who collected the data?

    What methods were used to collect the data?

    What analysis was undertaken of the data?

    Where is the data?

    I have yet to see anything published on this.

    Hi Derek,

    I think for the sake of some S#%T stirring you are getting caught up in semantics. Regarding the term "access" there have been Pink zones introduced in the GSS (from memory) and pink zones are being mooted for Moreton Bay but I dont think they'll get up. But as far as "access" goes you are probably correct - "Access" hasnt been denied, as in you can still enter, however access to the natural resources within green zones has certainly been denied. If you doubt this try and extract a fish, a piece of coral, oil even a shell from the green zones - get caught and then tell me if your access to those resources has been denied or not.

    But disregarding the semantics.... Here is the answer to your question above.

    The actual figure being quoted is 42% but like you I cant find the actual figure “42%” however I have seen figures as high as 57% and low as 11% so I think the figure is some type of aggregation.

    But to answer your question further, these figures were produced in a report by the QRAA for the DEH the Department of the Environment and Heritage. Heres the actual reference: Hunt, C. 2005. Estimating the Impact on Recreational Fishing-dependent Businesses of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Rezoning. A report forthe Department of theEnvironment and Heritage,Canberra.

    It has been quoted by very reputable groups such as Ernst and Young in their report titled: Marine Protected Areas; the Challenging Times Ahead which can be found at:

    The Hunt report is quite lengthy, the recommendations and references section alone is 20 pages but heres a few quotes from a summary:

    Dr Hunt’s report on Estimating the Impact on Recreational Fishing-dependent Businesses of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Rezoning provides significant evidence of the impact on the businesses that support recreational fishers from the rezoning of the marine park.

    The report however found that in Cairns and Mackay the downturn in participation substantially exceeded the downturn that occurred outside the GBR, with downturns in participation of 48% and 26% respectively.

    The report found that there has been a substantial decline in the Wide Bay-Burnett region, which extends from directly adjacent to the marine park southwards to the southern end of Fraser Island. Participation in recreational fishing declined by 24% in this region.

    On the basis of the report the Department considers that the rezoning of the GBRMP has played a significant role in the downturn in participation in recreational fishing in some regions adjacent to the marine park.

    The Department considers that this in turn has led to a downturn in businesses that rely on the recreational fishing sector in some coastal centres. The extent of the downturn in businesses varies from region to region and to some extent on the sort of activity the businesses undertake.

    Anyway I think you get the point. I don’t know about the actual 42% figure but it is very clear there has been a study done and the results as produced by the QLD Govt confirm a substantial downturn in participation rates.

    I hope this satisfies your morbid curiosity


  11. #11

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    NO it doesn't. You haven't answered my questions.

    All you have said is, "Yep, I heard a bloke called Hunt wrote a report and it went to the Govt."

    Anyone else want to have a go.


  12. #12

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    As a greasy extreme Green basher from way back it is very important to understand that there are some very genuine conservationists still members of the party who are either kept as pets to give some semblance of real conservation credentials or those that live in hope of having some influence over the more radical policies.
    By calling any animal libber, vego, hippie, gay etc a greenie we tend to reinforce the view that we think they are all like this and alienate the genuine conservationists in the movement when really we as hunters/fishermen have more to gain than any section of the community by having good conservation policies and need these people on our side.
    We need to be expressing good conservation policies that actually don't exclude access for our activities or that promote our support and activities.
    Derek surely you are not serious with your comment about access to national parks or marine parks, even if you are being pedantic and meaning access in any form and not just limited access, some areas are totally restricted and in some cases rightly so but in others?
    None of us should have a problem with limited access where GOOD science tells us there is a problem but when there is an ulterior motive then we have real problems.

  13. #13

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    FNQ said 40%, Adam further says 11% to 57% but no one knows where that came from apart from Hunts report.

    Who can give us the evidence.

    My second question was not about Marine National Parks.

    Last edited by Derek Bullock; 23-11-2007 at 05:14 PM.

  14. #14

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    Derek and Jim with all due respect here,why would you support a party or organization which try to destroy or failing that restrict your lifestyle?
    At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
    his story ready to tell,
    St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
    Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'

  15. #15

    Re: ALP fishing policy

    Quote Originally Posted by manchild View Post
    Derek and Jim with all due respect here,why would you support a party or organization which try to destroy or failing that restrict your lifestyle?
    What party or organisation is that George.

    Have a look at this post Thats my view of the world.

    Tomorrow I will be voting Nationals in my own area and Nationals in the Senate. The fishing vote lost me a while back.


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