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Thread: Species reference

  1. #1

    Species reference

    Probably posted before but, ...
    What books do you recommend for identifying fish caught on the QLD Southeast coast. Small size would be good to keep on board.
    Thanks - Robert

  2. #2

    Re: Species reference

    hey mate If you can find them the fisherman's handbook is a good solid little book witch has a big variety of fish species in it.


  3. #3

    Re: Species reference

    I use AFN Australian Fish Guide. By Frank Prokop. Probably doesnt have em all but hasnt failed me yet. Cost about 30 bucks i think.
    En el amor y la guerra, todo hueco es trinchera.

  4. #4

    Re: Species reference

    Grant's Guide to Fishes isn't the cheapest, but generally accepted as the bible around these parts.

    See if you can get someone to buy it for a Christmas present, you can't go wrong.

    Good luck,

  5. #5

    Re: Species reference

    Grants Guide to fishes if you have a spare $100. Very comprehensive but dont always believe how he describes the eating quality of fish!

  6. #6

    Re: Species reference

    there's a filofish type book, small, but quite thick, and $50. Pretty comprehensive

  7. #7

    Re: Species reference

    I'll go with Ryan.S on this one. The AFN fish ID book is quite good. Small size with nice little watercoloured pictures of most of our fish species with tips on how to catch them. Doesn't cost the earth either Got mine at Bookworld for around the twenty dollar mark.
    The Grants guide is too precious to put in a boat. Especially when mines over twenty years old. ( great book )

  8. #8

    Re: Species reference

    I am in ther process of making my own for my local area. Just downloading some pictures and then adding size and bag limit underneath.

    Putting them into a folder and I now have a sort of 1 off reference book for my area. I just add when I come across a new type.

    Cod & mackeral drive me nuts as each type has a different size and bag limit and sometimes it is only a couple of spots difference. (I am new at fishing)

    I have Grants but need to carry extra fuel if I take it out on the water. It weighs

    a ton.

  9. #9

    Re: Species reference

    Could only be Grants Guide. He has revised his editions many times and is based in noosa. I think it is fantastic.


  10. #10

    Re: Species reference

    Looked into getting a grants lately, for anyone interested the 10ed is now out of print and near sold out or is sold out -forget, there is an 11th ed due to hit the stores in Feb, this new ed has an advantage in that the fish will be grouped in a more representative way + there will be more fish than in the last ed, this info I received from grant himself in an email so trust it. I decided to wait till feb.

    cheers fnq

  11. #11

    Re: Species reference

    for cheap & cheerfull you cant go past the orange tide book.... 2008 version is out now.

    the AFN book is pretty good.........the steve starling one isn't all that comprehensive but the info is very usefull.

    I have all 3............ have been dreaming about a coppy of grants for ages.


  12. #12

    Re: Species reference

    My "Grants" is 24 yrs old and is the special version thats printed on polypropylene pages (waterproof) so it was kept onboard (in my Moreton Bay scuba days).

    A X-mas present from my then girlfriend ... now my wife .... so come on girls by a "Grants" for your man !!!!! You'll keep him forever !!!!

    Great definitive book which my kids now use ....

    I'm waiting for the next years version as an update ...

    Last edited by PWCDad; 24-11-2007 at 08:58 AM.

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