I am wondering if i might join in as well if that is ok just for the fish and walk, get to meet some new people of the fishing variety as i have just moved to townsville. And i really need to get some more fishing in.
I am wondering if i might join in as well if that is ok just for the fish and walk, get to meet some new people of the fishing variety as i have just moved to townsville. And i really need to get some more fishing in.
This is sounding fantastic, jealous as all hell as I am stuck out at work that weekend.
All well, post up plenty of pics and a report at the end, so I can put some names to faces!!!
Horseboy the more the merrier I always say . can't wait to put names to faces
yeah, of course you're welcome horseboy! There's many names on here that I can't put a face to either, which is really the whole purpose of the meet. Do you need any directions on how to get to the bridge?
Who else is bring the missus and kids?
Cheers Rod....
Rod, lauren will be tagging along for a bit of a fish for an hour or so then the BBQ. No kids yet (thank GOD!)
Dan all in good time, all in good tme you will love them when they arrive my boy loves to fish even though all he catches is the prawns (bait) that is on his hook as it doesn't stay in the water long enough.
I know my way around town pretty well just not around the water no trouble finding rooneys but thanks any way. I see alot of you guys use sp's might have to buy some and see how thye go i honestly have never used them. Might be a good time to start where i can watch some people that have used them before. Any way looking forward to it as i mainly fish bymyself at the moment. The cook and the grubs might come down for a while that way i can stay longer.
Last edited by horseboy; 21-11-2007 at 08:19 PM.
I'll be in for the fish, but I got to go to a christmas party that night. Looking foward to it.
There's good chance my 2 will be there for the bbq - but not the fish.
I'll hit the missus up but i reckon the young bloke will be keen for sure.
The missus and kids will be down aswell. I don't reckon I'll do the Rooney to Aplins, but I will have a flick at the weir.
Since some of you fella's fish that area a fair bit with SP's, what size, colour, and jig head weights do you recommend?
1/4oz is marginal to too heavy. I tend to fish around 1/8oz and I know Curmudgeon fished lighter than that.
Scotto's nuke chook success aside, we've been going as realistic as possible so creamy silver to darkish brown or green with silver flash is the go. At the lighter jig weights the non-paddle-tailed sp's work better in the water.
I should mention that I think that nuke chook barra was more ass than class, just a matter of the lure being right in front of the fish, and in that condition, the fish would've been very hungry. As for jig heads, I was using a 1/8 when I got the fish, but was alos using 1/6 to 1/16 and weightless. I was using a range of colours, with most being a more natural looking lure. Golds, brown, pilly blue silvers and creamy white colours, but none of them produced on the day.
I just read in the paper that they are doing electro fishing to get some numbers of stocked fish and bait over the next couple of days at Blacks and Aplins weirs, does anyone know if it will include the salt side of aplin's as well? and will it affect the fishing?