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How to pre-protect zillion from salt
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Thread: How to pre-protect zillion from salt

  1. #1

    How to pre-protect zillion from salt

    hey guys,

    My rod has come in now and i cant wait to match it up when i get home.

    My question is, what is the best way to protect my prized Daiwa Zillion from the saltwater use its about to get. With my eggbeaters i just give em a spray of lanox around all the joints and then wash/relanox after each use. However the only baitcasters ive ever used in salt have turned to rubbish pretty quickly even after washing etc, mind you they were $100 type models.

    the other thing i guess is that with the eggbeaters i can pull em apart and the daiwas have the waterproof flange under the spool so it helps but baitcasters well a bit different when pulling em apart etc.

    I have an alphas which i love to death but she only ever sees freshwater in fear of wrecking it, but the zillion was purchased for throwing hardbodies to the local jacks so its gunna see some salt.

    Any tips are much appreciated


  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Roo's Avatar
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    Jun 2005

    Re: How to pre-protect zillion from salt

    before you load the spool up give it a light spray with lanox and don't wipe off, leave it overnight for a film to set. the rest of the reel can be treated in much the same way as your threadline gear except for the washing part.... Just use a damp sponge to wipe it over and re lube with a bit of lanox. mine has seen a bit of salt action without any worries. the main thing is to be sure to clean it as soon as you can after using it. don't leave it a day or 2.

    Cheers Roo.

  3. #3

    Re: How to pre-protect zillion from salt

    Hey mate
    Pretty much on the money after every trip we wash down with water freash of coasre.
    The wash all hand grips and rods down with the same solution i wash the boat in Oxy Dishwashing liquid and gold wax and wash then dry the take riggs off the line and tie off at reel then spray the rod down with WD40 or RP7 Inox or such in a thick film then wipe sparely then spray reel seats and side giiving a soft cloth over and all my reels are still like new.
    One thing to remember if fishing with bait alot on rods is give the rod grips a good scrub roaches love chewing on them if stored in shed.
    There is a product called Tacklegaurd that is mono safe but still not tempted to spray on mono.
    CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)

    There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot

    I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges

    Up here we Use Hussar as baits for real RED FISHS (SHSIIFDER)

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: How to pre-protect zillion from salt

    Give it to me, I promise only to use it in the fresh:-) I could be persuaded to swap an HRF if you are prepared to kick in a few dollars:-) I stuck mine under the Cruiser seat when we went into Weipa for supplies, but my fat derrierre was too heavy for the seat, and some lovely red paint is missing

    Mate chucked his brand new HRF into the Wenlock, and after a splash in half a cup of water, kept using it for a week, then we took another few days to get back to Townsville, and then it was a few days before it went in for a service. Will be fascinated to see how it goes, down the track. Worked beautifully while we were away, including the drag, despite the swim
    Last edited by artesian; 17-11-2007 at 12:50 AM.

  5. #5

    Re: How to pre-protect zillion from salt

    I have 3 alphas and the get used in salt all the time chasing jewies, never had a problem Iv'e have them for around 2year know. I get them serviced every 6-8 months. The CRBB in them make abig difference especially if using braid.
    To clean them I just give them a light spray of warm water (infact I take them in the shower and have the shower on so its just working and wash them that way)
    every know and then a light spray with inox.

    Your zillion will handle salt just as good as an alphas.

    Ps. never had any parts replaced on any of the aplhas yet,

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member ffejsmada's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Re: How to pre-protect zillion from salt

    Ben, my Zillion gets a flogging in the salt throwing HB's.
    All I do, like every other reel, is a light hose off and dry with a lanolin sprayed rag.
    Good as new.
    I think if people are gonna worry about the damage salt water could do to their salt water designed reel, they shouldn't have one. It's not as though it's gonna be submersed.
    Just get out and enjoy it mate, get one of those elusive red devils you're after.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: How to pre-protect zillion from salt

    Just a couple of points I wanted to raise. Daiwa do not recommend putting their reels in the shower, or hosing them off. They recommend wiping any residule off the reel with a damp cloth. Hosing, or even gentle water pressure can drive salt, sand particles etc into the reel.

    Secondly, from memory Daiwa do not recommend WD40 on any of their new reels. Not sure why this is, I personally use inox on all my gear.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Roo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: How to pre-protect zillion from salt

    WD40 is a fishoil distillate.
    Inox is a vegetable oil distillate.
    Lanox is a Lanolin grease(from sheeps wool) distillate.
    Ever seen a rusty sheep

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