Recreational fishing is one of our most popular national pastimes with
over three million Australians wetting a line at least once a year. The
Coalition Government is a strong supporter of recreational fishing and
has long recognised its significant benefits – for families, for personal
health and for the economy.
The Coalition Government will continue to invest in practical
programmes to enhance recreational fishing experiences, and will work
with recreational fishers to ensure the continued development of the
(i) Recreational Fishing Community Grants Programme
The Coalition’s landmark $15 million Recreational Fishing Community
Grants Programme (RFCGP), announced during the 2004 election, has
been an outstanding success.
The programme provides grants of up to $100,000 for projects which
enhance recreational fishing experiences and has now funded 400
projects Australia-wide, including boat ramps, access pontoons,
restocking waterways and fish cleaning facilities.
The Coalition Government will commit funding of $15 million to extend
the RFCGP for a further three years.
(ii) Updating the National Recreational Fishing Policy
The existing National Recreational Fishing Policy (NRFP) dates from
1994 and is now out of step with more recent changes to institutional
and operational arrangements. It provides insufficient practical
guidance on contemporary issues of importance to recreational fishers.
The Coalition Government will update the existing policy in consultation
with recreational fishers and State and Territory Governments, with a
view to developing a co-ordinated national approach to issues affecting
recreational fishing now and over the next decade.
Strengthening and Protecting Australia’s Fishing Industry
(iii) Recfish Australia
Recfish Australia is recognised in federal legislation as the peak body
representing recreational anglers in Australia.
The Coalition Government will continue to recognise Recfish as the
national peak body and will provide $100,000 annually for three years
to support Recfish in providing high quality policy advice to
government, and to assist it in its work representing Australia’s anglers.
The Coalition Government will also provide additional funding, on a
dollar for dollar basis up to $100,000, to match contributions made by
other recreational fishing organisations to Recfish Australia.
(iv) No Recreational Fishing Levy
The Coalition opposes a recreational fishing levy or “tackle tax”.