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Thread: Rod Repairs

  1. #1

    Rod Repairs

    I have 3 rods that are either, older or, out of use.
    A two piece Kmart JW surf rod set up for a spin reel.
    An 8ft JW med/heavy action estuary rod 2 piece. ( seen a fair bit of use)
    And a cheapie I picked oup on sale for $15. (Crap components fell apart on first trip)
    Would I be wasting my time and money to bother either rebuilding these,or, having them rebuilt .
    I dont have any of the gear necessary, and have not in the last 30 years rebuilt a rod.
    I believe the two JW rods to be Butterworth blanks. The fittings look a little tired


  2. #2

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Hey Rando
    First of all i will start by saying i am no expert.Far from it but i have rebuilt several rods and a couple from scratch.There is nothing more satisfying than using a rod that you have just rebuilt.
    So no matter how crappy the blanks may be you have to start somewhere.You don't need all the flash gear to do a top job just some basics.There are plenty of people here that can help you out with what you need even some pics of their set ups.If you look back through this topic you will see some of the work Roz has done and she uses a pair of joggers as her lathe.
    Fire away with the Q's and i am sure you will find out all the info you need.

    Cheers Dazza

  3. #3

    Re: Rod Repairs

    OK here goes
    I imagine I will stip the old guides off by slicing the binding over the foot of the guide then clean off the remaining bindings.
    Then sand the blank.
    Q1 Whats the best prep process, grades of abrasive etc
    2 Will the guides go back where the came off or can a better rod be produced by better placement, remember two of these are JW kmart products
    3 What guides are recommended
    4 What do i use to coat the rod/ bindings
    5 How much will it cost to do a basic rebuild

  4. #4

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Hi there Rando,

    I would bind the new guides in place of the old ones mate.
    You will probably be abe to pick up a set of fuji guides for each rod for around $20 to $25 bucks.



  5. #5

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Quote Originally Posted by Kid View Post
    Hi there Rando,

    I would bind the new guides in place of the old ones mate.
    You will probably be abe to pick up a set of fuji guides for each rod for around $20 to $25 bucks.


    What type??
    I intend on living far so good

  6. #6

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Have a look at MO tackle either online or you cab buy the catalouge in most newsagents.



  7. #7

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Quote Originally Posted by rando View Post
    I have 3 rods that are either, older or, out of use.
    A two piece Kmart JW surf rod set up for a spin reel.
    An 8ft JW med/heavy action estuary rod 2 piece. ( seen a fair bit of use)
    And a cheapie I picked oup on sale for $15. (Crap components fell apart on first trip)
    Would I be wasting my time and money to bother either rebuilding these,or, having them rebuilt .
    I dont have any of the gear necessary, and have not in the last 30 years rebuilt a rod.
    I believe the two JW rods to be Butterworth blanks. The fittings look a little tired

    Hi Rando,

    Just had a quick read of your thoughts would be to.... fling the el cheapo gear and hang onto the old Jarvis Walkers.

    As for rebuilding old rods, particularly if they have sentimental value, it is well worth the effort. I've re built a few and it's always been worth the money and time, they have always gone on to catch good fish for me.

    Dazza has already mentioned, you don't need anything special to set up for a rod re build, just something on which to rest/turn the rod and a good light.

    You will also have to spend a few $$'s but not a huge dollop of money, one suggestion (if you're not in a hurry) would be to wait until next years RBW and do it all then....just a thought, will leave that one with you.

    The bottom line is likely to be, buying a ready built off the shelf rod is a lot cheaper but it's not the same.

    good luck with it.



  8. #8

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Thanks Roz
    What size thread for an 8ft 6-10 kg estuary rod,,, and also a surf rod.
    Whats the difference (if any) between binding twine and sail-makers thread ,Its strong polymer thread for sails.?
    Can I do a rod with just one grade thread?
    Without a drying lathe how do you get a good finish on the rod?
    Many thanks again

  9. #9

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Mate you can use any size thread.
    I tend to use 'A' thread but on the longer beach rods use 'C' purely for the time factor to bind those big sucker guides near the bottom of the beach rod
    They're all strong enough for a 10kg rod and 'A' looks nicer and finer then 'C' in my books.
    Just do an underbind and double overbind and you'll be sweet.
    During the drying you can turn by hand every few minutes to make it look spiffy.
    The main thing to remember is to take your time...don't rush for no bugger and enjoy yourself.
    I intend on living far so good

  10. #10

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Double overbind??? I assume thats means two layers, or is it rod builder jargon for something else.
    I know that sounds a stupid question , but Id rather look stupid for asking than for stuffing up the job.


  11. #11

    Re: Rod Repairs

    No such thing as a stupid question...just stupid answers.
    And yes, two layers of thread on top of the underbind.
    I intend on living far so good

  12. #12

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Cheeck out this site - GREAT advice on every aspect of rod building and people very keen to help you out - search the forum first as I'd gaurantee it has already been asked. Also there are articles on some specific aspects of rod building that would be useful

  13. #13

    Re: Rod Repairs

    Quote Originally Posted by rando View Post
    Thanks Roz
    What size thread for an 8ft 6-10 kg estuary rod,,, and also a surf rod.
    Whats the difference (if any) between binding twine and sail-makers thread ,Its strong polymer thread for sails.?
    Can I do a rod with just one grade thread?
    Without a drying lathe how do you get a good finish on the rod?
    Many thanks again
    Hi Rando,

    Sorry about the time between posts, but I'm still up here at Agnes and no computer....

    As for thread, it really doesn't matter which type of thread you use.. the only important thing is it MUST be UV stable, of course any type of sail-makers thread would be fine. I don't know how thick this type of thread is, just as long as it's not like rope.

    BTW I do recomend you underbind, although not essential.

    good luck roz.


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