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BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008 - Page 8
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Thread: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

  1. #106

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by choppa View Post

    drove across the bridge this morning and the water was like glass,,,, tonite coming home was okay,,, a bit of wind was helping the run up but was still fairly good,,,,

    wish i could report something exciting on the fishing front,,, but all is average at the moment,,,, heaps of squire (small),,, bream and normal bities about,,, a quick stop over and ""refreshment"" to catch up on gossip with norm at spinnaker park concluded with the creeks producing,,,, tony's gutter area had a few lizards earlier in the week,,,,along with the stockyards on the drift,,, a nice queenie was caught on wednesday at lime pocket,,,, albeit in a cast net,,,, and the jew hole at lime pocket has the norm as well,,,,

    Sorry about the count our final number is 6, So that would make 28 big kids and 3 little ones. I was out today and the wind was up a bit and the passage wasnt real calm either, but we ended up with a feed of prawns and 1 nice big mud crab , and threw a couple of undersize ones back. Sorry about your nan ronnie .

    cheers Dan
    Last edited by Tassie JR; 02-03-2008 at 07:52 PM.

  2. #107

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    on a more brighter note,,,, the forecast for the rest of the week looks to be much the same as what where getting now and the past few days,,,

    TAILOR have shown themselves around the bottom end of the passage,,, with a few nice size caught at gilligans,,, (bugger all reported though from the front ???) and tiger rocks is holding its name high with a nice snapper tipping the scales at just over the 2.5 kilo mark yesterday morn,,, along with a handful of legals to add

    no 2 son done a exploration run up to tripcony and ""spotlighted"" a half bucket of prawns for an hours work,,,,and is back up there again tonight,,,,,

    (dad may venture out and help in the cooking, peeling/eating of these pesky vermin things)

    the passage is looking great first thing in the early morning hours,,, once the wind picks up though around mid morn it turns a bit rough,,, but nothing to bad ,,

    so a chance to have a run outside if your planning this seems good,,,

    planning on dropping a couple of pots in tonite as well,,,, so i'll let you all know what eventuates from the crab side

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. #108

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Hi I am a newbie and am wondering if this m&g is on this weekend. Can you still book a site? I am keen to attend if it is a goer.
    Fished In

  4. #109

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Yer Mate it's on this weekend, you'll need to book on the site , if it's just your self there is prob room on other poeples sites. Cheers hope you can make it..

  5. #110

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Get in fast... at 6:45pm on the 4th there is only site 12 still available for the Saturday.

    A couple still left for the Friday night though. If you get stuck, let me know cos i'm only going over with a swag, so you could use some of my site and I'll just ammend my booking to cover an extra person or two.

    Definately on this weekend though.

  6. #111

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    I think that Ronnie booked a site that she wont be using as they will stay on the boat....

    If Seabreeze is right for once with their 20-25knott winds my site might be available......... Bloody weather
    Last edited by Tailortaker; 04-03-2008 at 07:00 PM.

  7. #112

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    hey all camp site 12 is now taken by me
    choppa /no frills there is now myself for friday night and my mate his girlfriend and daughter coming on saturday to sunday
    I also have a Jarvis walker complete fishing outfit here with telescopic rod and little spinning reel with some soft plastics brand new suitable for a kids prize it is valued at $30.00 i am willing to donate this for a prize for the weekend to one of the kids you guys can make up what to give it out ie: biggest fish or best hard luck childrens story ect


  8. #113

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    thanx shane that will be great
    ive also been given 3 good shirt/pen/keyring packs from Mark Wust constructions and col/Fisher Boats will be donating something as well,so its all good.

    Dont let the wind put you off.It will be beautiful up where we are and a bit of wind will keep us cool and blow the mozzies and sand flies away.

    A stern anchor comes in very handy up there so if you have one bring it.Also dont know if i mentioned water is NOT available up there so you need to BYO.

    its all coming together nicely.Actually a few of us are glad it will be blowing outside this weekend cause now we can kick back and relax instead of thinkin we should should be out there'

    dont forget to bring something to pelt out 50gm slug for the competition.

    cheers scotty

  9. #114
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Hi Everyone...........We may need a couple more campovens so if anyone has one would you mind bringing it along.

    Cheers Col

  10. #115

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by MY-TopEnder View Post
    Get in fast... at 6:45pm on the 4th there is only site 12 still available for the Saturday.

    A couple still left for the Friday night though. If you get stuck, let me know cos i'm only going over with a swag, so you could use some of my site and I'll just ammend my booking to cover an extra person or two.

    Definately on this weekend though.
    Thanks My-TopEnder for the offer of sharing your site. As this is all new to me will we be fishing the passage? I assume I can launch at Donnybrook and get to the site via boat. I don't have any camping gear so am seeing if another guy can come as well. Would that be OK?
    Fished In

  11. #116

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    last report from me until the weekend,,,,(maybe),,,,,

    after a stint up there last night,,,, we didn't fair to bad,,,, we had a couple of runs from the stockyards to tripcony,,,, on the island side,,, and managed to put a few fish in the esky,,,, prawns are about,,, we were spotlighting em,,,,and using landing nets to snare about a kilo or so,,,, so cast nets would even be better,,,

    wind died down a bit,, and we had a minor sprinkle,, but other than that a good couple of hours,,,,, Ohhhhh crabs,,,,,,, 3 muddies,,, undersize,,, 2 sandies legal ,,,(had em both sitting on the casting deck,,, one climbed overboard,,, and before i could grab his partner in crime,,,he followed,,,,,,,, so theres at least 2 in there )

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  12. #117

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Fished In View Post
    Thanks My-TopEnder for the offer of sharing your site. As this is all new to me will we be fishing the passage? I assume I can launch at Donnybrook and get to the site via boat. I don't have any camping gear so am seeing if another guy can come as well. Would that be OK?
    No worries mate.

    Yeah we'll be fishing the passage. What time you headed up there mate? I'll be launching at Donnybrook sometime Friday night. Keep an eye out for a Maroon Toyota Surf with ausfish stickers.

    The cost is $4.50 per night as regulated by the state gov, so just let me know how many will be with you guys and I'll update my booking to include the extras.

    Anyway in other news I still haven't had a chance to get the boat in the water yet for a proper water test. I'm hoping for an early knock off tomorrow so I can go and run it down the river and check it. Found a crack about 3cm long in the side JUST above the water line so i think I'll just drag it up the beach and tie it off to be on the safe side... It only weighs stuff all anyway.
    Last edited by MY-TopEnder; 05-03-2008 at 05:54 PM.

  13. #118

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Col- gave scotty a camp oven when he got the wood.

    Scotty- can you add me for Fridey night as well. I am feeling unwell tomorrow at about 4ish so will be up there around 6ish.

    Cheers Scott,

  14. #119

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by MY-TopEnder View Post
    No worries mate.

    Yeah we'll be fishing the passage. What time you headed up there mate? I'll be launching at Donnybrook sometime Friday night. Keep an eye out for a Maroon Toyota Surf with ausfish stickers.

    The cost is $4.50 per night as regulated by the state gov, so just let me know how many will be with you guys and I'll update my booking to include the extras.

    Anyway in other news I still haven't had a chance to get the boat in the water yet for a proper water test. I'm hoping for an early knock off tomorrow so I can go and run it down the river and check it. Found a crack about 3cm long in the side JUST above the water line so i think I'll just drag it up the beach and tie it off to be on the safe side... It only weighs stuff all anyway.
    Hey My Top-Ender I have been unable to get someone else to attend with camping gear. I guess I left it to late to get organised. Have a great trip and I will keep an eye out for the next M&G and ensure I organise myself in time.
    I hope I haven't stuffed you around.
    Fished In

  15. #120

    Re: BRIBIE ISLAND<<<mission point m&g,,, march 2008

    Ah thats a shame you can't make it up... not to worry, see ya at the next one.

    Ya haven't stuffed anything around... its all good.

    Looks like I won't be up Friday night now... gotta drop into caboolture on Saturday morning so won't be there till about 10am.



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