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Thread: Finally got my own name

  1. #1

    Finally got my own name

    I'm sure a lot of you already know who I am because Dr_Dan writes about our fishing trips all the time. SO now that I have caught my own first REAL fish I also have my own name on AusFish.

    So Hi everyone I am Dr_Dan's girlfriend. I have only been fishing for about the last 9 months, before that I'd never wet a line, I am absolutely loving it and Dan is teaching me heaps about fishing.

    I look forward to chatting with you and sharing all our great catches and not so fruitful adventures......

  2. #2

    Re: Finally got my own name

    Welcome Littlelozza. I was expecting a username with Nurse in it.

    I hope you can post better than your boyfriend. Just joking.

    Does this mean there is only one of you at a time or can you both log on at the same time ???

  3. #3

    Re: Finally got my own name

    damn............... now i really have to watch what i say on here

  4. #4

    Re: Finally got my own name

    Ironically enough Johnii I'm going back to uni next year to become a nurse....... SO It'll be a few more years til I can call myself Nurse Lozza........

    We are on the same compter so it's one or the other... not both of us.

  5. #5

    Re: Finally got my own name

    Dan you certainly will have to watch what you say. but hey everything up to now has been all good has'nt it . LL welcome to the world of ausfish it's addictive I should warn you
    Last edited by STUIE63; 09-11-2007 at 07:58 AM.

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