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Thread: Rod Warranties

  1. #16

    Re: Rod Warranties

    Choose your words better next time. You said "absorb" Not "unweted" big big diffrence. Big call to say if a break was unweted or not, I would like to how they come to this conclusion and who showed them how to. I have seen many times where warranty claims go no further than that of the guy standing behind the counter.


  2. #17

    Re: Rod Warranties

    In big retail situations where i work all the warranties are approved by the manufacturor not the retail outlet (its the distrubutor's warranty not the retail outlets) though when the reps used to pop in (new system now more paper work and more rooting around) they used to openly discuss with me what I thought the problem was which was taken into consideration (some of the reps didn't have much of an idea themselves on what was what). Generally speaking if there is to much doubt the reps will just replace the rod and keep the customer happy. I have listed all the situations that come to mind that we will normally replace a rod on the spot, but if there is a blatantly obvious high tip for example and the customer insists then we are obliged to send the rod away for assessment. I do not pay to much attention to the blank itself because i feel it is too variable to form any consistent opinions with the naked eye, but stuff like crushed blanks and heat brakes can easily be determined. I'm not an expert in the whole fracture pattern/manufacturing process but i've seen enough rods to tell a high tip from a car door etc.

    Hey Stu, out of interest what rods do you make

  3. #18

    Re: Rod Warranties

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie View Post
    Although does anyone out there really buy a rod because it has a warranty explicitly 'thrown in'?

    Personally I've never broken a rod in forty years of fishing however my Nitro surf they will replace any broken section for eighty dollars irrespective of how it failed. This seems like a fair form of insurance to both sides.
    never broken a rod fishing in my life, but if you have an expensive rod it's peace of mind to know if you do something stupid it can be replaced relatively cheaply, there are a few blokes on this site who seem to make breaking rods a regular thing who it would be a major selling point for.

  4. #19

    Re: Rod Warranties


    Well said and very honest mate, good to see. I build the brand “Precision Rods”, I specialise in light bream rods and have done since before the craze begun, Popper tossing rods and deep water jig sticks. My mainstay is game rods from 4kg stand ups through to unlimited chair rods, that’s what I ship all around the world. All built on my own exclusive blanks.


  5. #20

    Re: Rod Warranties

    You don't have to be real smart to get some idea of how things break..... having said that we are only talking about " some idea", not scientific microscopic scrutiny.
    So most of these waranty claims will be based on... reasonable expecations and observation of both the rod and the customer.

    Much of the time, the overriding factor is looking after the customer ...... as long as you think the customer isnt trying to pull a swiftie on you.

    Saying that there is some hard and fast rule about how waranty claims are handled across the board is a bit...... um....... presumptious.

    different destributers and different retailers will treat things differently.

    many store owners will honour waranties off there own back for good customers & then hope they can get the item replaces by the rep.
    Others will simply place the claim squarely at the feet of the supplier and make it their problem and their fault if it comes to that.

    We are getting more and more retailers ( not just fishing) that are prepared to do as little as possible for their margin ( what ever it may be) and shed any responsibilities for the product squarely in the direction of the supplier.

    In the past most sellers were refered to as "dealers"...... who represented the suppliers product and serviced all the customers needs in relation to that product.
    These days more and more sellers are considering themselves " retailers" and want only one thing...... that is to sell the product....... finish..... end story.

    In any case....... the best thing you can do to expadite a waranty claim is to be polite, and co operative... and present you case well and in good humour.
    The nice bloke is more likely to get his claim holoured than the raving loonie.

    Last edited by oldboot; 10-11-2007 at 10:27 AM.

  6. #21

    Re: Rod Warranties

    Quote Originally Posted by oldboot View Post
    The nice bloke is more likely to get his claim holoured than the raving loonie.
    Probably the wisest words spoken on this thread. In general people in retial are willing to be polite and cooperative (thats what we're getting paid the big bucks for ). There is nothing wrong with a few recipricated manners. And playing hard ball and storming out doesn't get you anywhere (what does it prove? we still got our sale and you still have a broken rod, your effectively paying us for a broken rod) in a big retail chain, while like any retail operation we like to keep our customers, losing a single rod sale doesn't affect the person running the front counter. "oh your going are you what a shame you were so friendly" likewise quote the cliche 'the customer is always right' and expect the assisstant to role their eyes. No the returns policy guidlines are always right as per sections 2a and 3c. Yes buisnesses are only concerned with the bottom line thats why its called buisness instead of giving you stuff cause your a top bloke. you also have to remember that the reason we watch every penny is because you the customer demands low prices and are willing to compromise things like customer service for this hence giant retial operations are born. So next time you get served by some kid who has no idea ask yourself where am i and why am i here, and if the answer is because its cheaper here than that little tackle store down the road, you now know the reason.

    Sorry about the rant guys just getting it off my chest before christmas build up gets into full swing.

  7. #22

    Re: Rod Warranties

    Perhaps its a reflection of the shops that people choose to use. Go to a big shop (ie. BCF) and expect to get basic service - go to your local and build up a little repore and you get much more (often at a price however). The basic strategy the big guys work on is cost differentiation - and as you say Jeremy the bottom line is the bottom line - saying money raises profits.

    However, I tend to agree that the more agrivated you get the less respect you are afforded. While I have been guilty of this once or twice, it seems to be those with little emotional control that let things as petty as a broken rod get them agro. Just have to remember to step back and wait a day or so before you go in!!!

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