Hi every one,
Thanks to everyone for sharing their thoughts on this subject, I’m sure there are many who are biting their tongues on this topic.
Firstly I’d like to reply to Matt, your story is common to around Australia’s shores and I’m glad your having a chance to air the knowledge you have on the topic, great stuff Matt.
Secondly Too Brett AKA bugman, I understand where you are coming from, we simply just don’t know. BUT what we do know is over the millions of years that evolution has controlled things, the comings and goings of fish numbers would have happened over a period of hundreds of years. Most likely events would have occurred in a local environment where perhaps a particular species would have been in abundance, and out grown its food supply. We humans have succeeded in lowering the total marine food chain in only a matter of a few decades. YES it is for the survival of the of the human race and the industry that supply’s it.
BUT, we so-called intelligent humans are renowned for farming our food for hundreds of years, why is it so hard to farm fish? We were smart enough not to kill all the cows which supply to us yummy steaks, and look at how profitable that industry is.
All I’m saying is there has to be a better way,
Kind Regards
Mitch Calcutt