After missing out once again at the Lake Monduran Family Classic due to other things happening in our boat that were not planned for, the wife was keen to get her first Barra on 6kg line out of Monduran, on this moon.
With an early rise, early brekky at Gin Gin on the way, and a 5am at the ramp start, we headed straight up towards Bird and did a bit of trolling around the timber and weed edges, all for a total of 3 Trout between the 3 of us.
Just coming up over a rise and turning into the north facing bay into about 15 foot of water and Elle says quietly "I'm on". All rods and lines in and we watch as her first decent Monduran Barra decides to say g'day from above the waterline, while Josh is telling Mum to "hold the rod down...hold it down".
The antics continued for about 7 minutes with probably 8 or 9 leaps and 4 of them clear of the water, as well as a couple of good runs under the boat, where all I could think of was the 6kg line she was on coming in contact with the ally hull, before she came up and was tagged and released to fight another day.
The photo shows the grin from ear to ear...the fish might have been small at 89cm and 10.23kg but you'd think she'd won the lottery doing it on 6kg line. Geez they are lovely fat fish aren't they?
Next trip is Awoonga for the November moon to continue our battles up there with Elle chasing her 1st metery from there, and old Skip just trying to land a fish.