Six munz ago I cudden even spel kaptin. Now I are wun.![]()
Six munz ago I cudden even spel kaptin. Now I are wun.![]()
I'm guilty for numerous spelling errors..... get over it. I think there are worse things in life is'nt there? It's a fishing forum not an english class..
Wendie 99
is it me,,,,,,,,,, ??????????
if you look under grants avatar,,, it says ""hexxagon champion"""
can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
It must have been too subtle for me as well![]()
I have had great trouble spelling partially due to being part of a failed UK program called ITA (Initial Teaching Alphabet) where until grade 4 you spelt phonetically. I came back to Australia then to learn that this was not really the english language and had to learn the rules and proceedures for conventional spelling.
If you have a spelling or learning issue then please use the simple tools available as a badly spelt response lessens the impact of your message and is a definite barrier to successfully expressing your thoughts to others
BY tHe wAy mY PEt HaTe cURRenTly is ThE MisuSe oF CapiTal LEtTerS![]()
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
An absolute disaster Neil. My 3 older boys went through that, and then, on reaching senior school, had to start to learn all over again. A whole generation of kids blighted by a policy pressed on many, by a few. Now we're back to phonetics again via abbreviated text messages.
Thank you Neil. That's all I was trying to say. There is a tool to help, and if you fail to use those tools, then you are not doing yourself, or others, justice.
There have been threads in the past where someone has attempted to aid others only to be met with comments such as "get a life" or, "get over it".
It is often said that breakdowns in law and order, relationships, family etc are attributable to breakdowns in communication. If adults can't be bothered to use tools to better aid their communication with others, then what hope for our kids' education or their attitudes to others?
To my way of thinking, if you can't be bothered to make the slightest effort to communicate with others correctly, then that indicates that you are showing a lack of respect for those who you are communicating with. Talking or spelling in an appropriate manner is a common courtesy that should be afforded to others and that takes no great effort on anyone's part to achieve (with the aids now available). If the attitudes of those who feel differently are passed on to their kids, then is it any wonder that there is such high youth unemployment in areas other than manual labour?
It is obvious, based on some of the responses, that some folk somehow interpret a genuine concern for others and a desire to help them, either as personal criticism, or simply as something not worth bothering about. If it's not worth bothering about then why go out of your way to post comments such as, "get over it"? I really find this kind of thing no different than the slagging offs that appear in the reports section.
Yes, {quote}"there are worse things in life is'nt there?" but if we can't be bothered to correct the simple things, then we're hardly likely to give the more serious things our full attention are we?
Communication indicates how we relate to each other. If the communication is flawed, then so is the relationship.
That's all I have to say on the matter now I really must go and seek another life![]()
I'll keep my thoughts to myself in future as it's plainly obvious that there are those who think that they are in no need of a little help from others, that flawed communication is quite acceptable, and that others shouldn't be afforded a little courtesy by way of correct communication. If you are one of these, then don't whinge then next time you are in BCF and a couple of check out kids, with their mouths full of gum, are mumbling to each other, instead of paying attention to your good selves.
See my breeder fish photography here:
Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.
Kev I am for one very glad to see you back and posting again as Ausfish is not the same without your words of wisdom. I can see where you are coming from with this thread too. With no disrespect to those who can't spell or have dyslexia I have too found some posts hard to read through due to lack of punctuation and spelling. Kev I too use Mozilla Firefox because I find it is faster and not that I am a bad speller or anything but occasionally a word may stump me and the spell checker is right onto it. All I see is that you have offered to help those by bringing their attention to this "better" browser and I agree whole heartedly with you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
don't blame disabilities, that is a typical copout type of an answer, there are waaaay too many instances for them all to have a disability, any kid with some sort of a problem & they are branded with an attention disorder. as the hubby of a school teacher i put most of it down to laziness & attitude from children whose parents just don't care... they do not see an education as important, the blame everyone else for their predicament & do absolutely nothing to help their kids, & so the circle goes, generation after generation. If you did it tough as a kid,make sure your kids get a better education than you & they can have a better life, but some just don't get it,& the kids are stuck in the same rut..
Having said that there is a lot who want their children to get a better education than they did, so they go out of their way to help..
my apologies to any with a learning disability.
I am the worst speller and not up with the mumbo jumbo of the computer world.
Kintin you may be right, but for me I get on here when i can and belt out a reply or a post here and there, if its spelt wrong tuff. I am not A1 at computers and don't want to be, I just simply enjoy a read, and a conversation when its conveniant.
Iam not botherd by bad spelling just over active computer nerds posting this garbage on a fishing forum
Last edited by Tropicaltrout; 27-10-2007 at 04:52 PM.
Like I said, some folk don't recognise when others are simply trying to help. Labeling them/me as a "computer nerd" simply because you can't be bothered with spelling, speaks volumes, and confirms what I have stated previously............if you aren't bothered, then why go out of your way to denigrate others and label their posts as "garbage"?
I rest my case.
See my breeder fish photography here:
Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.
If someone is that anal that they will not read a members contribution to a subject due to bad spelling or grammar then I say it is their loss.
I am a shocking speller, I use the spell check but a lot of time couldn't be bothered correcting it. Some times it is a keying error, some times a spelling mistake, but tuff, who cares. At least it is better than reading posts that always have a negative tone. Some people need to smile more.
Steve Brown
Do Not Feed The Trolls
Well said Steve .(previous post)
Maybe those who are really annoyed by spelling or grammar mistakes in this forum could fill in their day by correcting all our mistakes and reposting for us .
Thanks Buggerit
I just think you have far to much time on your hands if you fell the need to put this post up at all. and that part underlined is that I am not bothered about spelling mistakes and I was not denigrating anybody but you!
I think we have all had a say you more so then anyone so I say let sleeping dogs lieLet's just enjoy the forum for fishing rather then this!
I'm a terrible speller too. I can never remember if a word ends in "le" or "el" or where to use double letters, etcetera. If it weren't for spell checker programs, I'd take forever looking up words in the dictionary.
My "tag line" at the bottom of all my posts comes from my uncle and my bad spelling. My uncle passed away a few months ago and he was wearing a t-shirt with the joke quote, "Bad spellers of the world UNTIE!" when I saw him last. I thought it was funny and it reminded me of my spelling woes. The line obviously is a play on words from the famous quote, "Workers of the world, unite!"
As far as bad spelling bothering me goes, I'm weird. I don't mind it if other people misspell words, but I can't stand it when I, myself spell words incorrectly. Just one of those quirky things with me. Obsessive compulsive disorder strikes again!
TIGERMULLET, your post cracked me up "kaptin"! Thanks for the laugh!
FUN FACT: I do use Firefox and the spell checker has just corrected me an embarrassing five, no six! (I misspelled embarrassing) times. LOL
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"
i imagine a lot of the bad spellers spend a good amount on fishing gear. After a day out they come home & meticulously clean it & the boat, they probably point out to the children that this is how your gear should be treated & it will last a long time if looked after properly. Educating the kids about fishing..
When it comes to spelling they don't give a toss, it's not important to sit with your kids & check their spelling & homework, you don't need it. They find it offensive that someone pointed out that a lot of people see it as important. It's no good calling people nerds & saying things like lighten up etc. If you don't make an effort then your kids are going to do the same, they learn from their parents.
I would think that a lot of kids read theses boards & indifference to spelling is not going to be overly helpful to them..
Not using the spell checker is just plain lazy, might even help some learn.
personally, if i had to make the choice between fishing & my kids education i would have a garage sale tomorrow..but that's just me..
Please don't ban me for this Steve, but as you are a businessman why not put in the effort to improve yourself and over time become better at spelling and grammer?.
I'm no genius either, but I do enjoy the opportunity to better myself in regards to self improvement when it comes to the english language.
I have 2 little ones counting on me to help them grow up with a decent education.
I also hate it when people use text shorthand or american gangsta type english.