Spreading the good word.
Hello aus fishers, long time reader first time writer. Firstly I have to say thank you to all that have contributed to this site in any way, the amount I learn from a quick daily visit here is incredible.
I’m worried about the number of fish that have died after being released due to the lack of care taken in handling fish caught by my self and others that I’ve seen on you tube and in some reports like moggi1’s comment in fresh water freight trains, (10 barra floating along the wall after the previous days fishing). This just isn’t good enough.
Its great to see how catch and release has taken of in general, weather its because the fish aren’t worth eating or the feeling of letting one of these giants go. but were still using some of the equipment from the old days when just about everything was kept. E.g, boga grips and knotted landing nets. How many boats have scales left on the floor after landing a barra with a knotted net? Answer, to many. The line in the net finds its way under the scales and rips them right of, not to mention splitting fins and tails. And then with some of there protection ripped of they are laid to rest on a hot, dry carpeted floor and this happens all to often, those who do this do not deserve to brag about releasing a healthy fish.
Ok, I don’t want to sound over the top but we put so much time into learning how, where, what equipment to catch these beauties but who thinks about what there going to do once they have the fish next to the boat? I don’t want to offend anyone who does there best on this matter, but for the rest, get your s!#t together. Its ok to spend $200+ on a real but who wants to spend more than $10 on a net.
For those here’s an idea.
The fish are growing fast but the nets aren’t so I’ve have added a pic of a ridiculously big net made by a good mate of mine for these ever growing girls and believe it or not they still stick out both ends. The net lives over the motor so it’s out of the way completely and is easily cleaned with a quick shake in the water. Once the fish is in the net the other person in the boat lays out a blue tarp on the floor and the wet shade cloth net is put onto that. Comfy as a fish can be in this situation.
I know this has been said before and it will be said again until the problems fixed. Or maybe knotted nets should be banned from impoundments altogether, what do you think?. Keep up the good work guys.