With the wind dying down a fraction today I decided to do a solo trip to half moon creek; amongst other things, the weekeday trip means that I wouldn't be annoying anyone else with my launching and retrieving prowess.
Left home at around 8:30 and got to the ramp not long after.
While I was rigging up, another guy came in and got his tailer ready to retrieve a boat, he mentioned that he was going to do this so i said no worries and figured that another 3 or so minutes wouldn't be too much.
He went to his house across the creek and started to untie his boat from where it was moored; then his wife came out and gave him the phone that had been ringing. This took him another 15 minutes to wrap up; now I don't mind him taking a few minutes but when he knew that I was pretty much rigged up, surely he could have called the person back later.
To top it off I had to give him a hand to retrieve the boat as it was quite large compared to mine. Finally we got the boat on the trailer and he drove off - would have been nice if he had of said 'thank you' after all that; a little gratitude goes a long way buddy!
So I finally got the boat in the water, and surprisingly, it only took me one attempt to launch the boat. I decided to motor on down to the first creek that I had seen some feeding activity when I took the boat for it's maiden voyage.
After tossing out a mud herring, I decided to try my prawnstar and on the thrid cast, it didn't dissapoint. The lure was crunched by a little cod similar to the one that I got last trip to the creek.
That was the end of the action till the tide turned in the afternoon and I went up to the mouth thinking that there might be something waiting there for the incoming tide. After anchoring up, some 15 minutes went by then my rod buckled over and soon after I had about 1.5m of angry eel on the end of my rod.
Given that I've been warned against bringing one of these things in the boat (they are slippery, wriggle all over the place and snap at anything that they can get to), I decided that gear was cheaper than bandages and or microsurgery and snipped the line.
To top it off my baitcaster wouldn't go into gear after bringing in the little cod and I'll be without it for close to a week while it's repaired.
All up, not a productive day but better than working and a mild sunburn for my efforts but not complaining. Also learnt that Half Moon Creek isn't a productive place on the run down, only on the high tide by the looks of it.