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Thread: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

  1. #1

    Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    i have been converted this year by a freind onto the soft plastics, 1 particularly the berkley soft drop pumpkin seed i have been smashing the flathead up this year with these amazing things ,and presently own this years heaviest at my local fishing club going in at 2.437 kg.Anyway last club trip is coming up for the year this friday night thought i might try for a mangrove jack as no one has been able to catch or weigh 1 in yet, thought i might try ?with some soft plastics ?can any one recommend any types of plastics for catching mangrove jack also will they smash the plastics up at night time i have a spot lined up in the logan river has any one landed any in this area lately.any info would be great or i can understand if uz say p off. cheers

  2. #2

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    Got my first Jack last weekend on a 4inch nuc chook minnow.

    Always thought they favoured hard bodies, but i had peppered this particular snag with HB prior to changing to the SP's and he gobbled the SP first cast??

    I have just today stocked up on a range of gold and red sp's, figuring that the same colours that they love (so i hear)in HB will work in SP's.

    Might be better off going with livies at night?? But who knows? stranger things have happened.

  3. #3

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    Squidgy flick baits colours like purlple etc, Gulp Jerk Shads, Squidgy shads also work i find softies with a jerkier action work best.

  4. #4

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    I landed 2 x mangrove jacks above the 4kg mark last trip up north on a big blue i could work it deeper along ledges than a hardbody . In the creeks I found good ol gold gold bomber or laser pro worked better than soft plastics.

  5. #5

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    I've had great success on shads, in fact i out fished the next to me who was using livies. They get right to snag unlike a hard bodied and are cheaper to loose, if your not loosing them your 2 far from the structure!

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  6. #6

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    i think jack will hit almost any sp and different people like different colours.
    however i seem to really like the 4 gulp minnow in p,seed the 3minnow grub in p,seed and the 80mm squidgie fish in jelly prawn. the jelly prawn is also my fav on flatties as it looks like a whiting

  7. #7

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    cheers there fellows ill give a couple a go

  8. #8

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    Weedless rigged shads & bass type minnows worked for a mate of mine up at Hinchinbrook over the past week .... Nagg

  9. #9

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    Have a look here.....may help a bit

  10. #10

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    Hi guy’s.
    For flathead I run a small ball sinker or the bullet weights that get supplied with the bigger snapbacks (I use the next size down for flatties, 3 inch?!?) above a swivel and then have a trace of about 4-500mm (16-20 inches for you older buggers) onto an owner hook. Because these babies are somewhat buoyant, the just stay above the sand/mud/rock/gravel bottom. I’ve found them great across sand-flats. I use the same set-up for jackbut shorten the trace to 2-300mm. Agnes Jack put me onto “sticky weight” which is awesome for surface/just below surface snapback use. I fish the smaller snapbacks straight from the leader without a sinker, then put a bit of sticky weight on the eye of the hook or shank, just enough to make it run below the surface. If you want it to run deeper/shallower you adjust they amount of sticky weight.

  11. #11

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    Could you explain sticky weight further, like what material it is etc.

  12. #12

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    Sticky weight is a form of weight additive you can mould and add to the bib of your lure (underside) or wherever else you see fit to hold the lure (suspend) in the strike zone for longer rather than just letting the lure float back to the surface. Very good product with the consistency of dough.
    Be careful tho as it often affects the action your lure swims at, if not applied appropriately and in the right areas, which can turn fish off.
    All in all tho an excellent product that I use on occasion to create a suspending action.


  13. #13

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    Is this sticky weight the same as Dizzy wax ??? .... Nagg

    I've used the stick on lead tape that you get from golf shops with some success

  14. #14

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    sticky weight is a tungsten paste you roll up like chewing gum and stick to your lure to make it sink/suspend and wax is applied to make a sinking lure float/suspend

  15. #15

    Re: Soft Plastics- Mangrove Jack

    Quote Originally Posted by killitfillit View Post
    sticky weight is a tungsten paste you roll up like chewing gum and stick to your lure to make it sink/suspend and wax is applied to make a sinking lure float/suspend
    Is it something that you can get from tackle shops ? ... Nagg

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