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Thread: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

  1. #31

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    It certainly was good to meet up with some more Ausfishers and put some faces to names. I tried hard, but unfortunately didn't get to meet everybody, but I did manage to meet up with a former work acquaintance from about 17 years ago, who now proudly holds the golden yabbie pump.

    Thanks to Mike and Phill, and especially Finga, for doing all the hard work. The VMR people certainly did a good job in feeding everybody.

    Now Janine, the general consensus is that the last one at your place was such a success that the next 5 or 6 should be held there as well. Especially if you put the word out that there'll be some of your home made cheese cake there.


  2. #32

    Thumbs up Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Just a bit of a roundup, many thanks to all who came, many thanks to Finga who made the wonderful trophies 2 of which will be perpetual ones, amazing work mate. Another big thanks to Lloyd and the boys down at Viccie Pt VMR for hosting us, they put on a great feed, nibblies foolowed by burgers then prawns.

    Many thanks to Phil for all his help who between plastering Save Moreton Bay posters everywhere kept everyone entertained with various comps, the prawn peeling comp opened my eyes, fastest ive ever seen and Poodroo young fella gave the prawn quite a makeover as well

    As to the prizes and trophies, well from my cryptic notes, as best i can make it out, here are results and in no order as its almost xmas

    1: Alvey Perpetual Trophy: Webby , TOL reckoned he just turned around and there was a spangled on board, Webby landed it without telling him or it jumped on board, anyway there where some other fish in the esky as well

    2: The Donger Trophy was sponsored by Home Sweet Loans to the tune of $100 voucher at Tackleworld: Well 2DKnB's shark blitzed the field by a fin

    3: The Homer Trophy along with some great Bush n Beach gear: Well 2DKnB got this one as well with some mother in law fish,,, but as the only one doing an overnighter, top effort

    4: The Fish Hook Trophy and spinning rod and reel kindly put up by Marlin Mike , well this went Harry01 for a nice flattie

    5: The Alvey Brass Yabbie Pump Trophy: well the biggest trophy of all went to Craigie with a 156gram Squid. Well just goes to show what you can win at these Ausfish events, I think Craigie walked off with some Bush n Beach and Ausfish gear , keyrings etc scratching his head.. but remember Craigie its a perpetual trophy, you got to come back next year and get a bigger squid

    Other notable recipients of various prizes:

    The Jigging Prize: had to go to TOL, well he complained so much about dropping fish well we thought maybe jigs would help

    Herm: Well herm lodged the biggest VMR prawn

    Johno: lodged the biggest pillie of the day

    I had a great time and again thanks to Ausfishers and VMR for wacking on a great barbie, next year hopefully we can do it all again and special thanks to Finga for all his efforts, if anyone saw the trophies they know what i mean, Webby and Craigie, have the perpetual trophies to look after for a year

    Tangles KFC

  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member 2DKnBJ's Avatar
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Did anybody(other than tol and webby) get any fish and what one the prizes?

    Seeing as you asked i will answer that shortly.

    First off a big thanks to Mike (Aigutso) for getting this organised.You couldn't have picked a better day weather wise.Somehow i think the weather was to good for the fish and they had other plans for the day and this did not include us

    A special thanks has to go to the crew fron VMR Viccy Point for allowing us to use their ammenities and for putting on a top feed

    Always good to meet new members and catch up with some old faces.

    When you have a family that like seafood you learn to peel prawns very quickly.

    As for the prizes that were donated for the day thanks must go to the following
    Finga,Ausfish,Bush N Beach,T1(Home Sweet Loans)

    For a change i actually caught a few fish.Nothing special but a feed none the less.
    Now to answer your question Foggy these pics might fill in the gaps

    Along with these is a $100.00 gift voucher at tackle world.

    See you all at the next M&G.
    Have a safe and happy Xmas.

    Cheers Dazza

  4. #34
    Ausfish Bronze Member thesav's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Sorry I missed the day and surprised Craigie made it after our massive Xmas drinks on Friday night. Can't believe he won a trophy for catching a squid - I buy that stuff for bait.
    Be at the next one guys.

  5. #35

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Goodo Dazza....looks like it all went straight to the poolroom
    I intend on living far so good

  6. #36

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Hi All,

    Well i'm back at work again down South of the border (Nowra - JB) Big Thank you to all and thankyou for putting on a great day.

    Big Thanks to VMR for Raffle prizes - Bottle of QLD Liquid Gold (Bunddy Rum) and the case of Beer.

    Lucky me - a Nice bottle of Gods Country Rum and as it was could have been both the Rum and Case of Mid too - but i'm not greedy, Luckily Herm got the case of Beer in the end. Yes Janine you got it right - That was me (Covertfly - Craig) So many Craig's around these days. I think we need to create an association of Craig - Free membership - no meetings just have to have the name Craig - Easy - We could even let people with the last name of Craig in too.

    and for those asking i only had 6 tickets - honest

    I'll crack the bottle on my return to Sunny QLD around New years Eve and if any of you are about just after New years i'll be happy to bring it out and enjoy a few drinks with you all.

    On that Note I'd be up for an other fishex if anyone's interested or in need of deckie and not going away early Jan. Say either the 3rd or 4th of Jan would suit me, anyone interested?? - I'll be able to bring more gear with me this time as i am driving up - Also if someone is interested and they also have a Kayak i'll have mine with me so could go chasing some Bass etc or Bream in the canals etc.

    Mike (Aigutso) - happy to show you a few tricks with your electric if you like?

    Craigie - would also be good to open the fish account with more than a Squidly next time. (Sorry you had to take the Trophy - Opps is that an omission - No, it was a team effort - LOL )

    Again Big thankyou to all involved and good to put some faces to names - Will keep you all posted on my activities down hear in the south and hope to be able to attend another M&G next year.

    Good luck also to all involved in the boat rally coming up on Sat I hope all goes well and to plan.


  7. #37
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Congratulations to everyone who won a prize! It certainly looked like a great weekend on the water and due to a number of factors, i was unfortunately unable to attend!

    Nonetheless, DAZZA, T/World have a sale on Gulps at the moment - buy 2 and get one one free so may be a good chance to maximise your stocks if you're into SP's!

    As for WEBBY, 2 trophies in one year! Champion!!

    Hopefully next year we can up the ante in the prize stakes and make it bigger and better! Well done to Mike and everyone involved in the organisation of another great M&G!

    Take Care T
    home is where the loan is...
    Helping people get the RIGHT Home Loan

  8. #38
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Yes a big Thanks to VMR Vicky Pt for a top effort on the day, and to think i nearly had to use your services ???
    Thanks to Mike and Phill and all the Donors of Prizes.
    Shame the numbers at the BBQ we down, they missed out on a great arvo.
    Someone stole my Rum didnt they Craig .
    Dazza you exceeded your expetations, well done mate for the solo time put in, you deserved everything you got.
    The gold yabbie pump will i'm sure take pride of place in Fisheries, wont it Craigie.
    Meet a few new faces and put some real names against others.
    That Husband, Wife and Kids team always seem to go home with a boot full of prizes ??????

    SAV, told Craigie to tell you to get your finger out and get the Fresh Water Thingy organized, you no the one you promised 10 years ago.

    Also Thanks to Finga for the dongers mate, i can now retire the steel bar, which Tol had trubs lifting that morning.

    Foggy, Tol exceeded himself and now knows what all you zzzzzz's blokes means.
    To everyone have a safe and happy xmas, and see you on the water after the silly season.

  9. #39

    Smile Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc


    Yes lucky me, haven't cracked it yet - as i said - i'll be back up that way post Xmas so chance to catch up again and probably get stuck into it then. your more than welcome to join me. Will keep in touch


  10. #40

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    As always going to an Ausfish gathering is a pleasurable experience and this one was no exception. Well done Aigutso, Phill, Finga essentially for the effort you guys put in to make it possible. Was great to catch up to some old faces and as always meet some new faces to put to the names on here. To the guys at VMR a big congratulations for the great feed and I hope that some necessary funds were raised. A swell bunch of guys at VMR Victoria Point and a great community spirit was shown when a group of boy scouts turned up inthe park and the boys from VMR decided to make their day and hand over all the left over prawns and party pies etc. It was well received as I checked in with them on my way to the car. Smiles all around which makes it such nice gesture. Well done!



  11. #41
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Oh well that was the M&G Ausfish Christmas party for 2007.
    As Vice Commodore of VMR Victoria Point I would like to state that the day was not about raising funds or putting fuel into boats or training, it was coming together with some very good friends of ours, who have very similar interests and trying to show our apreciation to the people that really care about every thing nautical. The Ausfish site is a wealth of information for any boatie no matter what their experience, we can always learn from each other.
    I thank Steve Brown, Lucky Phill and Aigusto for a great event and offer the services of VMR Victoria Point for the M&G Christmas party 2008 if you will have us.
    Cheers Ian (moreton)

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