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Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc - Page 2
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Thread: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

  1. #16
    Ausfish Platinum Member roz's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Going to try and be there, will be difficult.



  2. #17

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Quote Originally Posted by roz View Post
    Going to try and be there, will be difficult.

    Mate, you migrated a week or so too early

    Anyways....a week to go peoples
    I intend on living far so good

  3. #18

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Well time for an update ( this will be posted in the thread in M&G Section as well)

    The important stuff , the BBQ!.. Viccie Pt Vmr are putting on for us a feast, starting off with 10 kg or so of prawns to be thrown on the bbq, first in best dressed so remember fishing stops at 11am . After that there is a as much as you like bbq meal with salad and snags and the like. If thats not enough well they will also be putting on savouries and finger food.. I reckon the plates will start to sizzle around noon.

    The cost you ask?, Viccie Pt VMR are only asking for a donation, but i reckon we should make it a $5 buck minimum donation, more if you can afford it to cover their costs. Drinks will be $1 buck a can if you dont bring your own.

    VMR will also be putting on some raffles like some waterside assist memberships which i hope we can all support.

    Not that i really trust Seabreeze but its looking ok for Sat/Sun with it getting windy late Sun afternoon so hopefully we will have the best of it. If it does get windy or rainy we can have the bbq in the VMR boat yard now its been covered with a roof. Also if it does by chance get a bit blowy on the day, there is plenty of opportunity of doing a fish behind some islands and getting on the water.

    PRIZES; wont give away too much as ive already mentioned some a while ago but apart from some rods and reels and tackle vouchers there will be some mystery prizes, small hint in the Southern Bay there is plenty of oppurtunities to do fishing related activities that dont use a hook and sinker

    Anyway it looks like there will be a few of us having a bit of a fish and a great xmas bbq with family and friends ; If any of you are thinking of coming and haven't posted your interest yet please do as it will give Viccie Pt VMR and idea of how many to cater for, it may mean even more prawns.

    Thought i'd repost the details of the M&G
    Date: 8th - 9th Dec 3pm Saturday to 11 am Sunday

    New Moon on the Mon 10th

    Tides: Sat L 3.10pm H 8.30pm Sun L 2.38am H 9.16am
    Held out of Victoria Point (VMR) also has 2nd ramp near Ferry if gets to crowded.

    Boundaries: Raby Bay to Amity down to bottom of Macleay Island back to Victoria Point ( see map previously posted)


    1: Best fish over 3kg
    2: Best fish 1kg to 3kg
    3: Best fish 1kg and below

    1: Best fish (no species limits except has to be legal)
    2: Best Whiting ( legal of course)

    BBQ is at the Viccie Pt VMR, just look for the Ausfish banner and the bbq,

    Last edited by Tangles; 04-12-2007 at 06:40 AM. Reason: correction
    Tangles KFC

  4. #19

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    I will definitely be there on the Sunday. For a change time is not going to be on my side to get in for a fish but at least my family will be present Sunday for the BBQ.
    Welcome back Mike.


  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member dogsbody's Avatar
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    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    I'm gonna try and poke my head in and say g'day.

    Avast ye matey!

  6. #21

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    A BIG thankyou to Phil and Mike for a great day.
    Well done also to VMR.
    Thanks guys,

  7. #22
    Ausfish Bronze Member JRBK's Avatar
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    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    I agree with Whynott.
    The afternoon was excellent. The food, drinks and getting to meet other Ausfishers was great. Well organised..
    Maybe next year i'll way in the decent sized grinner i caught.
    Never enough time or days in the week to go fishing.

  8. #23
    Ausfish Silver Member Herm's Avatar
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    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    A BIG Thanks to all of those involved in the organisation of the M&G yesterday!

    We had a wonderful time and Sarah tells everyone who she speaks to that she won a little fishing reel and some Ausfish stickers for Mum's new car - after weighing in her "little ripper" (She weighed in a pillie) Thanks Boys for that!

    Thanks also to the VMR for the food and drinks - I hope that you raised a few dollars!

    Cheers and Merry Christmas
    Peter, Janine, Sarah and Chloe!
    Last edited by Herm; 10-12-2007 at 10:43 AM.

  9. #24
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Aug 2007

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    yep - thanks to all for organising and especially thanks to the VMR boys for the bbq and hospitality!!!

    just one question..... i had to leave early and missed out on the raffle draw.
    I know dogsbody, homerjrb and custard would have 'looked' after the carton/rum if I had won , so did I win??????

    its ok to tell me - one of you would have taken it home and stored it safely for me... I know you would.... right?

  10. #25

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Quote Originally Posted by roz View Post
    Going to try and be there, will be difficult.

    So was she there and was she difficult?

    Sorry - I am such a literalist.

  11. #26

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    great afternoon! thanks to all those involved with the organisation.

    mik01, it was a real bummer you didn't win the rumbo...cause none of us did either.

  12. #27

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Well the cook and I had a little talk on the way to feed the gee-gees and come to the conclusion that these events should happen at least every month just so we get to have a great feed, a better talk and some even better great laughs.

    Mike, Phil and the VMR boys and ladies excelled themselves.
    I apologise to those who we didn't get to yarn too but I'm a tad shy and the cook was sound asleep after the feed
    Thanks to all those involved

    PS...Dazza, mate your one lucky fella you know.
    We (meaning 5 cougars and Horse I think it was and definitely not me...honest ) were going to dong you on the head with Webby's wonder wacker and pinch your shirt, and voucher, and trophy, and ...the list can go on and on and on (you get the drift)
    Last edited by finga; 10-12-2007 at 04:58 PM.
    I intend on living far so good

  13. #28
    Ausfish Silver Member Herm's Avatar
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    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    Thanks again to Phil and Mike for the book that I won - for something I don't really remember but I have decided it was for my extremely pathetic efforts while fishing this year!

    mik01 - We got 2nd in the raffle and ended up with the carton of Mid.

    Oh - I hope that I get this right - I think that it was Covertfly who won 1st prize chose the bottle of Bundy! Sorry if I got the wrong Ausfisher!

    Dazza did end up with quite a haul, didn't he? and can't he peel a prawn at speed!

    Finga - Are you starting a roster for who hosts the next one? Just remember - we did the 1st one this year!


  14. #29

    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    I was planning to get down there on Sunday but work got in the way. Sounds like a great day was had, but I have to ask the question.

    Did anybody(other than tol and webby) get any fish and what one the prizes?


  15. #30
    Ausfish Platinum Member dogsbody's Avatar
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    Re: Ausfish Xmas M & G. bbq etc

    A big thanks to all involved. It was good to see a few faces to put to names.

    Your rum would have been safe with me Miko I'm a bourbon man.

    Avast ye matey!

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