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New to fly fishing
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Thread: New to fly fishing

  1. #1

    New to fly fishing

    Hey all

    Im new to fly fishing i live 1 hour out of Melbourne Victoria and the only fishing areas ive got near me is Beaufort Lake and Pikes Reservoir they are the closest fishing places.

    Im after a fly fishing rod and reel for a beginner. Could somebody please recommend one? My budget is around $400. And maybe where to buy it. Its no option for me to buy it off the net i prefer buying it in a store

    The lake and reservoir have got Redfin, Trout, Eels and European Carp. I'd like some ideas for flies and stuff for catching those type of fish. Except for the European Carp and not to concerned about the eel.

    Sometimes i go to Portland fishing off the big pier. And i'd probably try and use the rod while im out there.

    And whats the best sort of line to buy? for those types of fish and maybe when i go fishing at Portland.

    Now flies just anything that those fish would take lol. Im prepared to buy them off the net off of a reliable site. Either that or just a store

    Sorry for bothering you but im keen on learning how to fly fish. I've been bait fishing for the past 10 years lol. And im only 14
    Last edited by GrimReaperz; 15-10-2007 at 09:37 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: New to fly fishing

    Hi Grim,
    Welcome to wand waving. Regarding an outfit you don't have to break the bank as some people would have you believe. One of my outfits that gets a lions share of the work is my 6/7 innovator distance ($160.00) a large arbor Precision P3 which holds 130 yards of 30 lb backing and 7# line.($85.00) and a fair quality floating with sink tip or full intermediate line($105) . I have worked this outfit across estuary species, bass and trout and it has performed well. I think you will be more than happy with the innovator distance. I think they are good value for money. Yes there are better equipment to be had if you have the cash. But this outfit catches fish for me and loads up and casts fine. And you will have change out of your $450. If you are having trouble locating this gear at these prices, Fishhead here in brissy is good to deal with and could flick it down to you.


  3. #3

    Re: New to fly fishing

    Awsome thanks. I wouldn't even know where to buy fly fishing rods around me i don't think rebel sports has them. Rays tent city might WHO KNOWS lol
    Last edited by GrimReaperz; 16-10-2007 at 08:16 PM.

  4. #4

    Re: New to fly fishing

    Hi Bassbuster, I am new to Flyfishing and living in Brissie, Can you let me know where I can purchase a decent fly rod out fit, Not sure where to find fishead tackle.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: New to fly fishing


    If you are new to fly fishing you should speak to the South East Queensland Fly Fishers Association. They are based on the Gold Coast and meet once per month at the Mermaid Bowls Club. Their website is They are great bunch of people who are happy to share their knowledge. They have a casting learning session coming up soon - 11th Nov which should be a great day. Depending on where you live in Bris it is not too far to drive - only 40 - 45mins from the South side.


  6. #6

    Re: New to fly fishing

    Wow i live nowhere near there lol i live in Southern Victoria

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: New to fly fishing

    Thought Camtech might be able to make it to their meetings as he is in Brisbane. GrimReaperz you should send them an email and ask them if they know of a club down near where you live that could help you. It makes learning much easier if you can get good advice from people in a fly club.

  8. #8

    Re: New to fly fishing

    Have a look at your last post tiger.Left a few ideas re good fresh water flies for you.
    Good luck on the fly,You will hook up and never look back.
    All the best

  9. #9

    Re: New to fly fishing

    Hey camtech , some good advice there from Janelle ,
    Its a good Idea to join club mate especially with flyfishing , its one of those sports were you take ages to learn by yourself or cut years off by catching up with like minded people. Like the gold coast club our club on the Sunshine Coast has got a diverse bunch of people who are willing to share knowledge . We have three members who are internationally accredited casting instructors (similar to golf pros) and two full Time Flyfishing guides so the information is priceless if you want to fast track your learning . Like the SEQ club we have casting days as well , they are FREE to club members and run by FFF casting instructors , thats if the sunshine coast is closer for you . Plus we are not as ugly as the Goldy crew

    click on the link on my signature for more info

    Federation of Fly Fishers
    International Certified Casting Instructor
    Sunshine Coast Fly Fishers

  10. #10

    Re: New to fly fishing

    No mirrors at your place.
    Cemtech, Jannelle and chris hit the nail on the head when they made spoke about the value of joining one of the fly clubs. I am a member of the SEQFF's on the goldcoast. I live at wellington point in brissy. I don't miss to many meetings and you are more than welcome to travel down with me if you want to check things out one night.. Fishhead is at redland bay in the shops near the hotel. Duncan and his staff know the flyfishing scene well. Both clubs have heaps to offer and are as cheap as chips to be members of.
    Fishhead is movig to the victora point shops in november. Heaps of gear, needs more space.
    Chris, Look forward to catching up with you at the bass on fly gig, on the weekend. I'll leave the mirrors at home as pople hho live in glass houses should not throw stones.

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