Hey all
Im new to fly fishing i live 1 hour out of Melbourne Victoria and the only fishing areas ive got near me is Beaufort Lake and Pikes Reservoir they are the closest fishing places.
Im after a fly fishing rod and reel for a beginner. Could somebody please recommend one? My budget is around $400. And maybe where to buy it. Its no option for me to buy it off the net i prefer buying it in a store
The lake and reservoir have got Redfin, Trout, Eels and European Carp. I'd like some ideas for flies and stuff for catching those type of fish. Except for the European Carp and not to concerned about the eel.
Sometimes i go to Portland fishing off the big pier. And i'd probably try and use the rod while im out there.
And whats the best sort of line to buy? for those types of fish and maybe when i go fishing at Portland.
Now flies just anything that those fish would take lol. Im prepared to buy them off the net off of a reliable site. Either that or just a store
Sorry for bothering you but im keen on learning how to fly fish. I've been bait fishing for the past 10 years lol. And im only 14