Originally Posted by
Tazy, switching the -ve will work, but isn't ideal as you wont be able to:
Isolate all batteries for storage purposes
Select only battery 2 if battery 1 fails.
I good quality 1,2,both,off switch is only about $50 and well worth it.
The perfect system would also include a voltage sensative relay between battery 1 and 2.
With this system you would leave switch set to battery 1.
This would automatically charge battery 2 when the engine is running, but isolate battery 2 when the engine is off. If you were to accidently drain battery 1 whilst fishing, simply turn the switch to battery 2 (or both) and start your engine
Permanantly parelleling 2 batteries (-ve to -ve and +ve to +ve) isnt a good idea as if one battery fails it will flattern the other.