Fished this morning in the passage with Gunna in his boat searching for some flathead. Weather didn't start off too nicely, on the water at 6:30 in drizzly conditions and head towards the very top end of the passage to the cleaner water.
On our second drift I hook up to what seems an alright fish for the first few seconds...then he suddenly realised he was hooked and took off like a rocket. Within about 20-25 seconds I'm down to the backing and starting to get very worried. Gunna put his rod down and started the motor up and we began motoring after whatever it was around the passage.
After about 10 minutes whatever it was is still regularly taking little spurts of line off the reel whenever he feels like putting himself into the current but wihtout the speed we saw on the first run. Another five minutes later and whatever it is was sat on the bottom and has either run me round a snag or is just firmly planted. In the end I tightened the drag up because we could not make it budge and the inevitable happened....bugger!
We kept moving back down into the passage and when we reached maloja jetty we had quite a few good hits and gunna's rod went off. After an energetic fight which had Pete hoping for a big flathead in comes a nice golden trevally. Next drift I also landed a fish, a flathead (fringe eyed?) that wasn't much bigger than the nuke chook he hit.
From there we tried a few banks for two nice flathead (and a few more lost), the channel near bribie for some pike and a 31cm bream and the bridge at pelican waters for nothing unfortunately. All in all it was a good little session, best part being that I wasn't at work! Thanks again for the trip out gunna, hope you and the mrs enjoy dinner.