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Thread: License for Towing ??

  1. #1

    Cool License for Towing ??

    Reading this thread of today got me wondering whether there should be an add on endorsement for car licenses given that there are some additional skills needed by any driver when towing a trailer (backing, going down a steep hill, sway correction, etc.) Think of all the newbies at boat ramps!!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not for over regulation but you must admit that it may be a worthwhile idea.

  2. #2

    Re: License for Towing ??

    Very True and they should build a dual lane Training Ramp Somewhere where u take your car and trailer and they assess it for weights etc then you spend a couple of hrs with an instructor for learning to reverse and things and retrieving ure boat then you have to go out for a drive on the public rd and reverse in public boat ramps and launch and retrieve then you get a license. It wont happen any time soon but it would be good.

  3. #3

    Re: License for Towing ??

    So you spent 10 mins in the boat for your boat license, but 2 hrs on trailers

    Still a good idea to try to basics, but I guess it depends on your car and the your ramp etc

  4. #4

    Re: License for Towing ??

    I am not sure about lisencing but people should learn how to drive/reverse with trailer and its not just boats,think about the local tip on a weekend or the caravans you see swaying all over the highway towed by lasers and little subarus,they all require different skills to tow safely.

    Cheers Craig

  5. #5

    Re: License for Towing ??

    I agree that there should be a trailer endorcement.

    I also recon there should be an endorcement for towing people behind a boat.


  6. #6

    Re: License for Towing ??

    You have to have an endorsement to tow a trailer behind a truck. Why not a car???
    I've been saying that for years.

    Why do you think they have drive through sites now at the caravan parks??
    Because a lot of people can't go backwards.....
    I intend on living far so good

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