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Thread: 9.9hp to 15hp evinrude conversion

  1. #1

    9.9hp to 15hp evinrude conversion

    Hi, guys I have just put a 15hp carby on my 9.9 evinrude (approx 1979 model) and have gained a truckload more power/speed. However I am just wondering if the carby is the only difference between a 9.9 and 15hp of this model or do other things need changing for the full 15hp. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2

    Re: 9.9hp to 15hp evinrude conversion

    Also are there any risks of blowing the engine, as the motor rev's harder with 15 carb?


  3. #3

    Re: 9.9hp to 15hp evinrude conversion

    there is a lot of differences between the two, you will end up using a heap more fuel for your 'percieved" power increase.

  4. #4

    Re: 9.9hp to 15hp evinrude conversion

    Mat, there is nuthing wrong with what you have done..hope she serves you well

    Retired Honda Master Tech

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