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Thread: Floundering in Victoria

  1. #1

    Floundering in Victoria

    My father in law and the family are just new to spearing for flounder. Does anyone know any good areas around the Mornington Penninsula, Victoria ?

  2. #2

    Re: Floundering in Victoria

    Cant help you in vic but in tassie I mostly go to river mouths, channels, rocky out crops. The age old thing aplies
    STRUCTURES, the sand and weed beds around them

  3. #3

    Re: Floundering in Victoria

    Its not on the Mornington Peninsula but between Narrawong and Portland it is good for spearing flounder and big garfish at night as well as the odd ling. Water is way too cold for my Qld legs tho, I prefer to be able to feel them while wading.


  4. #4

    Re: Floundering in Victoria

    safety beach through to Sorrento has proven good for me over the last few seasons. With Rosebud and sorrento being the pick of the bunch.

    quite often see squid,gars.flatties in the shallows.

    ***we usualy go in a boat while a mate fishes for pinkies/whiting etc we wade the shallows then move up and down the penisula trying different spots.

    we were cleaning the catch one nite with the tube floating about 5mts off the stern when the tube got attacked..............must have attracted a toothy! it hit the tube once and it sunk,

    now use a sealed container from bunnings so we dont create a 2klm berley trail while we splash around in the shallows trying to spear stuff.

  5. #5

    Re: Floundering in Victoria

    Thanks Marky..... what times do u find the best - night time or dusk at high tide
    Do u try near any structures or just wade thru the flats - say a metre deep ? (or less ?)

    Had any luck on the Rye/Blairgowrie front beaches ?

  6. #6

    Re: Floundering in Victoria

    in tassie we try for a night with little or no moon and seldom go in water above our thighs, mostly around the 450mm deep. Find the deeper the water , the more the light defracts and the the harder it is to spear with accuatecy.

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