OK, so I know I want a turbo diesel and know that I'm looking at a Patrol, a Pajero, an older Landcruiser or a Jackaroo. But whilst investigating my father has had the mechanic he has used and trusted for 10 years tell him to stay away from Jackaroos. Admittedly, this mechanic isn't a diesel specialist and more your run of the mill family car guy, but good and trustworthy. He reckons all three (yes, I know, that's not many) have been bad and have been back and forth to the shop. Also he said parts were quite expensive.
So, my question is.......... has this guy been unlucky enough to deal with three lemons? or are Jackaroos decent and reliable enough.
I don't tow a huge boat so the fact that it is a little smaller than the rest doesn't faze me. I just don't want to drop 10-13k on a money pit of a 4x4
Thanks, Josh