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Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate
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Thread: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

  1. #1

    Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    G'day all.

    I'm in the market for a new boat ... something that will be a little more family friendly that the current launch. Just thought I'd "put it out there" and see what opinions and experience I could tap in to.

    For a whole bunch of reasons to do with fishing style and family needs, I'm looking at a boat that fits the following sort of profile:
    4.8 - 5m (overall)

    I'm having a closer look at Trailcraft, Ally Plate and Fisher boats. Sponsorship of this forum notwithstanding, I'm keen to hear some feedback/opinion/experience with these craft if anyone is happy to assist.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    If you want a toy boat then buy the trailcraft. If its a serious fishing boat that can be built to your requirements then go no further than a fisher.

    Precision Rods

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate


  4. #4

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    I was expecting different opinions ... but I thought it might take more than two replies to come up with diametrically opposed opinions.

    I appreciate your input ... would either of you care to elaborate a little please.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    Buddy, G.S Marine make one of the finest boats my money could buy. I pondered over trailcraft and I thought their storage options were lacking. Everything seemed to have to sit on the deck. That's sealed decks for you. They come with big safety benefits but can restrict your storage options if you don't think ahead.
    My G.S Marine product came with standard features other boats option up to (no sealed deck in my model though).
    Put down on a piece of paper what you want and baseline each boat from there.

    Have fun

    Why Not

  6. #6

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    Buddy, I too would leave the trailcraft for a number of reasons. I'd also question if they are infact a true platey? Unless things have changed the trailcraft comes as a thats how it is package. There is no finesing or changing other than what is on the options list. I found the ride harsh also.

    In comparison, when I bought my Razerline I optioned to the hilt adding features from larger boats in the range. All these items were easily accomodated by Stewie and his team. A stark contrast from that of the Trailcraft team. A member from another site found out about the ride the hard way and recently traded their 5m Trailcraft on a Barcrusher.

    Food for thought!

  7. #7

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    I'm appreciating the feedback team, thanks.

    Anyone had a ride in an Ally Plate yet. They are fairly new and I'm yet to see one review.


  8. #8

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    Hi Buddy

    I've owned a 5m Trailcraft Tournament for five years now and it's never had anything break or welds crack and no paint blistering or corrosion. The only issue is the 14 degree deadrise makes it a bit of a dog straight into chop, but all other angles it's a sweet and dry ride and very stable. I often take it out in 20+ kts on Port Phillip bay which can be a real bitch with its 1-2m steep chop and it handles it well and I feel safe. Mine came with a 200L self flooding kill tank which can also be kept dry, a 180L seat box, side and rear pockets and a big console that can easily house a twin battery set up and everything else I need to take. Also a fully plumbed livewell built into the transom so plenty of storage. Mines rated to 115hp but it purrs along well with a 90 Honda. My boat wasn't that dear, 33k all up, including the stainless T top and rod racks. If you've got the $$ Fisher would be my choice out of what you've suggested but there are plenty of other smaller custom builders out there.
    Cheers Nick

  9. #9

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    Nice rig Nick.

    I bet you know you're alive out on PPB in the winter in a CC.

    Thanks for your feedback!

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member juju's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    Im happy with my trailcraft....sure it can bump a bit if you push it too hard , but back off and its fine...mines the runabout i have it setup to stand and drive rather than a low canopy ...ive found it nice and stable....the way i looked at it you may run out to a spot in a bit of chop....say 20-30 mins....then sit out there for several hours...i like stability at rest......the 75 will push her along at 55klm -60 klm...av trip 18-20 lts...(sandgate to mud and back , with some stuffing around)...after having it for 2 years theres little id change..and i always feel safe in it...
    ..Greg...."Termites pay the bills"..... Trailcraft 475...75 Hp E-Tec

  11. #11

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    Hows it going guys

    I have the 5.6m Trailcraft sportscab and absolutely love it the hull is five years old and I have had no problems at all with it apart from a little bit of paint peeling

    Although i am looking at converting it to a hard top and installing windscreen wipers


  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Wahoo's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    hi Buddy
    there is a nice Fisher 5m for sale here in Cairns, i think it has a 100 yammy on the back, not sure on price thou as his sighn is a bit small to read when going past


  13. #13

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    Nice looking rig Nickg, but there in lies the problem with Trailcraft. The dimensions of your hull are the same as that of the runabout, just the confiq is different. I wanted a livebait tank in my boat, a kill tank. (its hard to fit 10kg+ snapper in an esky!), and to remove that pissy stupid box @ the back of the cockpit... One dealer suggested I cut out the box after delivery! ???? because there was no way I was gonna get any of that on a 5m Trailcraft if I ordered one. Even looked @ buying one of their trailers, (I liked the "I" beam thing) nope, cant sell u one unless u buy the boat as well............ C ya!
    Hence my spending the $ over @ Razerline!
    As well as the fore mentioned items, I was also able to add a battery cabinet, seat boxes, and upgrade the seats to high back Raelines. Oh and lengthen the side pockets. All this and the trailer for around $25k (B&T only)

    Dont get me wrong, not bash'n your rigs guys but in my opinion Trailcraft need to lift their game a bit.

    Buddy, this is why I'd be looking @ the likes of Fisher. Apart from the reputation they have, u r dealing with someone who can and is willing to customise your rig to YOUR specifications, no theirs @ a reasonable cost.

    Last edited by Coontakinta; 03-10-2007 at 09:26 PM. Reason: to add pictures

  14. #14

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate


    I will keep an eye on this post with interest because eventually I might be in the same boat as you ( punn intended!! )

    I have been looking at similar size plate because the 'ol glass boat is not going to last forever, she's really old and I don't feel safe in her any more. My wife might think I am a drama queen about glass boats and transoms that can eventually rot, but I saw a boat on the news last night whos motor simply "Fell Off" then started taking on water!!!

    I like the Seascape 4.82 made by Tabbs. If I keep my 70HP Jonno, I have already had a ballpark figure of 15K with my motor transferred over. But I can't get too serious about it until I get the NOD from my director of war and finance, which may be within the next 12 months or so.

    If you are in Brisbane and finally make the decision, I would be interested in your comments about all the brands you tried. Who knows? If you needed a deckie for a day, I need to go for on water tests One thing I am tired of is this hull really cops a belting in slop, she really gives me a rough ride, and I have been in a stacer 5mtr tinny much smoother than mine.

    All the photos on this thread make the pain intolerable!!!! Thanks guys!!!


  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member timddo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Fisher Vs Trailcraft Vs Ally Plate

    IMO Trailcraft boats are a strong built and in the budget, i had a freestyle 4.85 for about 12 months, but then upgrade to a Tabs cubby cab ( need more sleeping room). Boats are all about Money, The more you have the better the boat is. Like holdens to merc or a BMW.

    Trailcraft boats actually don't have that back box seat anymore, rather than a fold down one. The only reason i went to Tabs is Bigger boat for the money, Bigger beam that is. As for Ride, Slow in ruff waters but stable when fishing, ( i don't like to get sea sick). If i had the money, Forget the fisher, go for the greg norman cruiser.

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