Nice looking rig Nickg, but there in lies the problem with Trailcraft. The dimensions of your hull are the same as that of the runabout, just the confiq is different. I wanted a livebait tank in my boat, a kill tank. (its hard to fit 10kg+ snapper in an esky!), and to remove that pissy stupid box @ the back of the cockpit... One dealer suggested I cut out the box after delivery! ???? because there was no way I was gonna get any of that on a 5m Trailcraft if I ordered one. Even looked @ buying one of their trailers, (I liked the "I" beam thing) nope, cant sell u one unless u buy the boat as well............ C ya!
Hence my spending the $ over @ Razerline!
As well as the fore mentioned items, I was also able to add a battery cabinet, seat boxes, and upgrade the seats to high back Raelines. Oh and lengthen the side pockets. All this and the trailer for around $25k (B&T only)
Dont get me wrong, not bash'n your rigs guys but in my opinion Trailcraft need to lift their game a bit.
Buddy, this is why I'd be looking @ the likes of Fisher. Apart from the reputation they have, u r dealing with someone who can and is willing to customise your rig to YOUR specifications, no theirs @ a reasonable cost.