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Thread: Bearing buddies-what am I doing wrong?

  1. #1

    Bearing buddies-what am I doing wrong?

    Have just been doing some trailer maintainence on my 2 trailers. Bearing buddies on one filled up with grease fine. On the other one when the bearing buddy is off the hub the grease pumps through the nipple freely. When I put it on the hub I can't get any grease through the nipple ?because of back pressure.
    I'm sure it's probably something simple I have done but can't work out what is going on.
    Has anyone had this problem before?
    How do I fix it?

    Hopefully someone has an idea
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Bearing buddies-what am I doing wrong?

    Hmmm, tricky, ...only thing I can think of is that it could be either the spring or the sliding section that the grease nipple is in is jammed - that way, you could pump grease through it when it is off, but if the spring or plate is jammed, it wont allow you to pump grease in because of the build up of pressure in the hub.

    I'd pull the bearing buddie off and try to compress the spring and check the centre section will actually move and compress the spring



  3. #3

    Re: Bearing buddies-what am I doing wrong?

    Hi Kev, Never had that prob myself, maybe fill the buddy with grease first to elliminate as much air as possible. Is it a genuine "Bearing Buddy" or the a lesser quality imitation ?.. just thinkin allowed,
    Cheers Phil

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