Gotta start with the roll of the eyes, the fishing partner has got to be the 'tinniest, luckiest, unbelivablist, amazingist' still shaking the head!
What happened, simply a girls day out this morning with the little tinny.
Almost twelve months since I put a fish n chips day at the pin, and that is exactly what happened this morning
Apart from the standard fare, 3 nice 52cm flatties, 4 whiting come home for dinner what does has caused the head shaking???
While sitting in the mangroves on the top of high (Noon pretty much) 5-6 metre channel, what comes on board?? a 38cm Squire , followed shortly by another, then an attack of the moses perch (all tooo little), and a bust off of mum flathead!
Why aren't the squire in the bay, cause there too busy crusing through the pin at the moment!