If your Bow is raising too high put your fuel tanks up the front and run a fuel line down the back. We have no problems anymore. Btw Big Donk i thought the 5 metre brooker was pressed alloy and rated to take 60 or 75hp?
If your Bow is raising too high put your fuel tanks up the front and run a fuel line down the back. We have no problems anymore. Btw Big Donk i thought the 5 metre brooker was pressed alloy and rated to take 60 or 75hp?
tiller is great until you own steer.full stop
i love tiller steer, i feel it gives me alot more room to fish but the missus doesnt like it very much
I'm going back to tiller steer in my fifth boat.
I guess it's horses for courses. I wont be travelling long distance, I need the room and need the manouverability.
I need a good solid platform with heaps of room to put diving gear and cray pots. It would be hard to fit 4 cray pots in a half cab with people aboard as well.
Not sure how I'll see over the front with four cray pots on board but someone will tell me where I'm going
Actually a lot of the tinnies down here in tassie get around the visibility issues with waist high bow rails in the back steering corner. It allows the driver to stand. They put padding around the rails.
I'll see if I can get photos next time I'm over West.
hi all well im lucky enough to have both and i am on the tiller 80percent of the time.and only get on wheel when over 12 knots.travelling to offshore grounds.but most of the time im at the tiller and rear controls.
Sitting on the port side, how do you do a tight starboard turn at speed? That will put the tiller way behind you or into your ribs. Also to accelerate you have to twist the throttle away from you rather than toward you. I'd hate to try to ride a motorbike with a throttle set up like that. Obviously these are just my opinions, and about 98% of the tiller boating fraternity. Tiller is great for trolling. I've now got wheel steering and it can be a pain on the troll.