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Thread: JRC- JLR4110 GPS/Plotter

  1. #1

    JRC- JLR4110 GPS/Plotter

    Hi folks ,
    I have just purchased a used boat from a boatyard and it had this older style GPS unit in it but , no operators manual . I have searched the internet high and low without success . I have tried Japan Radio Company itself , who no longer produce this manual . I was hoping that someone could perhaps steer me in the right direction or , if someone has a manual , be kind enough to photocopy it for me . I would reimburse all expenses incurred and might even buy you a drink or two .

  2. #2

    Re: JRC- JLR4110 GPS/Plotter

    shoot me a P.M to and I will forward you a PDF of the manual that you can print out.

  3. #3

    Question Re: JRC- JLR4110 GPS/Plotter

    Thanks J-Man . Greatly appreciated .
    Now I have read the manual , I am completely bamboozled by how many functions there are and what the unit does. Much too complicated for me . Anybody interested in a swapping this unit for a simple to operate handheld GPS that is waterproof ?

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