Thinking of targeting some of the bull sharks that evertyone says there are so many of in the Gold Coast cannals. can anyone give some tips on locations, rigs and bait.
Thinking of targeting some of the bull sharks that evertyone says there are so many of in the Gold Coast cannals. can anyone give some tips on locations, rigs and bait.
Rigs and bait i can. Anything stinky really, like pillies or catfish. The warmer months are better, and generally ya keep the bait along the bottom (correct me if im wrong). Add decent leader (maybe 80 pound) with coating, cause sharks hate metal.
Should get something eventually
burly up maybe heaps of cut pillies and some fish frames and tuna oil
If you're only after school sized bullys then 20lb gear will be fine.
cutting the heads and front spines off catfish work great as do whole mullet and pilchards.
I used just over 30cm of wire trace this season (45lb twist and melt) and it didnt seem to deter them. Then have about 3 foot of 60lb leader as they can wear through main line if they get tail wrapped.
Use a 5/o-8/0 depending on bait size. I just used a single hook. Try and find a drop off and fish right on the drop as they patrol the edges
Good luck
Thanks guys is it best to fish the broadwater itself or in the cannals?
nah i have no experience but id say find a nice big canal with some dirty water and fish that
Either/ or #########. fish broadwater or canals. as mattooty said, exposed wire doesn't seem to be an issue for them, unlike some other species, and cut the spines off the catties. also pike eel are a good bait. use VERY sharp hooks, and make sure the gape is well clear of the bait. if you do burley, make sure your slick is constant, and don't run out of chum, as your trail will lead em elsewhere. usually no need to chum anyway. they are very prominent in those systems, and the best times to fish are in conditions that are also great for jack fishing - muggy, still, and a low bar pressure. night time will see more bites. during the day try ballooning a livie out - deadly for bulls! enjoy em-they're great fun.
Always had the best luck with livies. Mullet, bream, whiting, trevally, tailor, doesn't matter too much. If you are fishing the tailor size bait then make sure you are ready for a fight, you can get em up to a couple of meters.
May 2006 Order New Hilux - June 2006 Order ARB & Other Goodies - August 2006 Organise fitting of ARB & Other Goodies - 2nd September 2006 Delivery of New Hilux with Goodies - 2nd September 2006 Break Goodies - 3rd September 2006 Use Angle Grinder to Modify New Goodies - 4th July 2007 BEND ARB rear protection bar (Big Rocks) - 31st July 2007 Notice cracked welds in the ute tub. TWIST!! - September 2007 Bend Alloy Side Steps - Feb 2008 Install steel side steps - March 2008 Bend Steel steps & Punture Diff Lock Air Line
Fish for the Bullsharks at night!, Set gear and stay all night and you will increase your chances! They are nocturnal feeders-very active then!
Last edited by bigblue; 27-09-2007 at 10:58 PM.
mate the advice you've been given is spot on, and like big blue said, if u send out big baits BE READY for a fight...
im looking at having a crack at some sharks this weekend,some good points above.what are bull sharks like to eat are they any good,also is it better un the upper reaches of the nerang river or would it be ok around the sea way
Are you best to float the baits or have them on the bottom??
Just a tip.
Make sure your wire leader is at least as long as the longest shark you wish to hook. As when they swim off they often hit the wire leader with their tale, (as do all fish), and due to the rough texture of their tale they can easily cause the line to snap
I have had a go at bullys at Peel at first light and we have been able to get a few throughout the morning till about 10am.
All we do is get a bottle of tuna oil, pierce 2 holes in it, 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom, you don't want them very big though and tie a piece of string/rope around the lid and hang it over the side. Once we have a bit of a slick going, we have just been floating mullet fillets soaked in tuna oil also on a big f/n hook with a nice long wire trace. Seems to get them going a bit and brings in all of the little ones too which are a lot of fun to catch on light gear and using squid for bait. You know when there is a big one around 4-6foot, the little ones seem to go quiet all of a sudden. I don't personally like flake but are told that the little ones are quite tasty after being frozen for a couple of days. Happy sharking!!!!
I like fishing