Hi Everyone,
Those lucky enough to spear/catch crays (tropical or painted up here in Mackay) should give this recipe a go. It's fairly simple because you don't need to do much to crayfish flesh but it is fairly rich. Here it is:
Keep them green. Remove the tail section and remove the meat (jelly Tongue) and make sure you dig around in the head, legs and antenna as there is heaps of meat in there too.
Add all the cray's head and tail shell to a pot with 2 cups of water and 1 cup of white wine and an onion. Crush it all up and boil until there's about a cup of liquid left. Run it through a sieve to preserve liquid.
Cut tail meet into slices and pan fry extremely quickly with a little garlic until they're still a little rare.
Slice onion and lightly fry with a hint of chillie. Add a bottle of cream and a touch of sherry and then the cray liquid. Reduce to a very creamy sauce with a little chopped parsely. Cook fettucine until just done.
Add cray pieces to creme sauce and warm through and mix with fettucine.
Serve with a dry white or Chablis.