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A Crying Shame/Whats going on? - Page 2
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Thread: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

  1. #16

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    What it is doing is putting poeople off posting bloody threads at all, that's the problem Jeremy, not the insults as such. Believe me mate i have been around the traps too and can take what anyone can dish out to me but the problem lies just there doesn't it. Not everyone is like me, or you for that matter.

    It's not a matter of who can take the critics , it's a matter of why should they? .As i said i love a debate just like the rest of them and it is healthy to debate such issue's , but in the right place. Not on someones thread.

    I do agree with what you are saying to an extent , but personal attacks with 4 word responses are ridiculous hence why Peter has posted this thread at a guess.
    Last edited by Crestcutter; 24-09-2007 at 07:47 AM.

  2. #17

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    I have no problem with people discussing the pro's and cons of CandR or their own conservation ideas.
    Just bloody well do it on your own thread and in the appropriate forum.
    The fishing reports section is one of my favourites until I read some unqualified negative personal opinion by some knob who trys to thrust there own idealistic morals down your throat totally disregarding the fact that the fisho has done nothing legally wrong..
    Reminds me of those jehovas witness types who turn up unannounced and think that somehow they are more "special" then the rest of us....
    Great call. I'ts one of my fav's too. And it just wrecks it having to read all the whingers posts. Shin25 put in a great report on a nice Flathead he caught only to have someone whinge about the way he was holding it. LOL. That has to be one of the silliest posts i've ever seen on ausfish ever. Who the hell are they to question him on the way he holds his catch.

  3. #18

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    It certainly does tarnish good threads. I'm all for people having different views, and I try respect most ( read most ) of those views.
    But a lot of the people who attack lack one little thing.......Discretion.
    And they could probably do with a good dose of respect as well.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
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    Feb 2002

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    who really cares..i make this comment every time this subject comes up.
    IGNORE THEM & if you don't feed the animals they will starve & go away....

    i enjoy vigorous discussion, but abusive & threatening type comments are unnecessary & only show the posters lack of ability to discuss a subject so they stoop to personal attacks, probably the same person who starts with a "what are you lookin' at" in the pub if you happen to glance across the room in their direction.

    i personally don't agree with the red button thingy on each post to let the mods know someone has taken your playlunch or whatever. There is also a lot of absolute opposites to the bullies on here who will run to the headmaster at the drop of a hat, used to be know as 'dobbers' & teachers pets' when i was in primary school. These people can cause just as much bother as the bullies.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Aug 2001

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I'm definitely not a devotee of the establishment version of C&R since I am quite prepared to catch a bag limit of one or two species to eat. But in some cases, undersized etc its kind of mandatory, and then sometimes its a waste of time because of the damage.
    There are reports surfacing that a number of species WA Dhufish, Black Jew, Mullas don't like C&R and cark quite quickly, but we should expect that.
    In any case there are things about fishing that sometimes need a bit of a comment, you can't always discuss the good things in life without realising that there are a few negatives along the way. Like discussing life and denying that being dead is a kind of fact, not a option..
    Fish is just a way of catching a feed, or having fun without catching a feed but which ever way you do it, and whatever your intent, the fish are live animals, and the more you know about them, what makes them tick, the better off you are and they are.
    There are young people out there, very dedicated and quite radical about fishing. You just got to surf the thing as it comes. MaxG.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Feb 2006

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    When you refer to the knockers as green, are you referring to them as green conservationists, or green with envy? I think a lot of the knockers get vocal because of the latter.

  7. #22

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Thankyou Mod 5 for bringing this subject up.....I agree Totally


  8. #23

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Agreed. Nobody wants to hear your views on C and R when theyve just caught a good fish that they are proud of.

    However most of us a loathe to report a post to a mod, just because the poster asks was it released????? I reckon its getting to the point where you have to lie about eating, and pretend you released it....

    Such a shame, it should be each to his own. theres merits for both sides, but theres no justification for pushing your views on others.


  9. #24

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    When I read a post and there is some rdiculious comments made I normally just skip that idiot and read on, WHY RUIN IT FOR MYSELF.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2007

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    IGNORE THEM & if you don't feed the animals they will starve & go away..../quote]
    Spot on DR, and it's not just fishing reports which suffer from these posts.
    It does not encourage anyone to participate when there is always somebody waiting in the wings to jump down the throat of those who would otherwise get more involved.

  11. #26

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    haha. this cracks me up. gotta love keyboard warriors!

    if anyone wants to see keyboard warriors at their best, go to the sportal forums ( and check out the rugby league forum.

    I run a horseracing forum, which has about 60 regulars. We originally met on the sportal site, but ended up moving to a site that i set up. We only have one rule on our forum, play the man, not the ball. There have been many trouble makers come and go. The best way to make them go away is to ignore them, all they are after is a reaction.

    Whats my point? You are never going to have an internet forum where people are going to agree, or even be nice to each other. If you find yourself getting upset becuase someone is having a go at you, let it go. At the end of the day you shouldn't be concerned about what some person hiding behind a computer screen thinks of what you are saying. If someone writes something absuvive and offensive about you, who cares. They are the ones that look like they have no clue.

    Please don't feel like you should stop posting becuase there are a few idiots who insist on ruining it for everyone.

  12. #27

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    it is a shame though that as posted above,,,,, most of the regular reports that used to be great to read through are no longer,,,,,,

    and i 'spose as i have posted on an earlier thread identical to this,,,,, its not because they/we have been knocked or abused,,,, its just the ""feeling"" why bother when you know someones going to have a stupid remark

    whether its c & r,,, or catch n kill,,,,,, do a scroll back a few YEARS in this segment alone,,,, you'll pick up on who was active in letting the forum now what was been caught where n when,,,,,,

    nowadays..... read the paper and write to the editor if you don't agree

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  13. #28

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by mod5 View Post
    Folks I think we are at the stage where myself and other Moderators will need to take some action however we cannot possibly read all posts and need your assistance.

    Every post has this symbol on it that you can click on to report a post.

    Please use it to report those posts of concern and action will be taken.

    Those members who are the cause of concern are hereby placed on notice that action including banning from the site will be taken for repeat offenders.

    About time

  14. #29
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I cop crap from most just because of the boat let alone any fishing reports (not that I ever catch many fish)

  15. #30

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    "are you referring to them as green conservationists, or green with envy? I think a lot of the knockers get vocal because of the latter"

    Grunter71, i think that Green and conservationist should not be used together to describe anyone. Why? because from the short time I have been a member here it is quite plain to me that the far vast majority of members on the site are "conservationists" as we all want the future generations to enjoy our awesome sport. On the other hand we have the Green ones that believe they are being subtle (or not) in trying to change the thinking of others to their way of thinking!

    If I was half the fisherman of some of the others of this site or had half the time as some I would be flooding the reports forum and with out me even saying it everyone would know how full my freezer is by wether on not I said I released it

    I plead with all who have got me covered in the fishing skill department to again post your fish so maybe I can pinch a trick or two off ya over the years.

    Cheers Chris
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

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