What I know, but in the past didn't take into account, is that text is a pretty ordinary way of communicating - the gurus reckon most of the message we get is in the tone and non verbals, such as body language. Letters on a page, with a few emoticons don't quite stack up.
So, it's easy to give offence here where perhaps none was intended.
On a related point, some grew up with healthy conflict and argument, and aren't bothered by it, or even value it as way to a version of the truth, (that could be me:-) ) and others can't deal with that kind of thing at all. So, we healthy conflict lovers might do well to back off a bit.
So can everyone else in the thread see the message ??
Sort of defeats the purpose if only the one member cannot see what has been posted.
Won't stop the rot, you just won't see it yourself but it will still be there for everyone else to see and react to.
Don't get me wrong it is certainly better than nothing
Maybe alongside the thanks tab, the mods could invent a W@nker tab
Accruing a few of these next to your name should be a good incentive for keeping your mouth shut.
Last edited by Grand_Marlin; 28-09-2007 at 09:30 AM.
Good call Pete
public forums are just that - public.
1000 people will have 1000 different ideas the way the world should run.
ignore the knockers & get on with it.
it shows more maturity to ignore them then to enter into an argument. nothing p!sses me off more then to see someone being baited into verbal abuse - it's weak!
there's no room in your life for others bnllsh!t, deal with your own.
c'mon, take the bait....
Very Funny SR
Now, where was that ignore button again?![]()
Here ya go. Here is a negative comment on a bass report. Get yer nooses ready, assemble the mob and go lynch him.
No different to what I wrote about someone photographing a flathead.
"The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
(Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)
Apathy is the enemy
The difference with that thread is that the lads seem to be dedicated c and r fishoes and they have been offered some constructive critisism on how best to handle their catch's while minimizing the damage to the fish.
Me,well I will continue to catch and eat my bag limit(if I'm good enough) of macs and reef fish.