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Thread: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

  1. #76

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Well I can say as a relative newby (just over 12 months here) I have seen a similar result to others with the declines/attitude changes of late. I don't post a lot of reports as I don't have a lot of time to get out on the Bay, nor am I that great a fisherman to show much in the way of results!

    What I do though is read others posts, I have learnt from just reading here about techniques, styles, tackle, bait used, SP tricks (holy crap there are some of those) etc which has increased my skill levels. Just need my own trophy to brag about now. When I get that, I will post it here, if I get flack then so be it. I am allergic to all seafood so I am a C&R guy, but if my parents are in town and want a feed of fresh QLD fishies, then sure I will keep a couple for them; all within the laws.

    I choose not to react to peoples negativity. Life is too short to worry about wankers, take the good bits and add them to the memory. As for the shite, dump it like the final results of a hot vindaloo.

    GW, thanks for being so honest.

  2. #77

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Hi Pete,

    Trust you to have enough spirit left to put up a post with this subject Good on you mate!

    What follows as a result of a controversial post is what many don't understand. If you are guilty of antagonistic comments on this forum, don't persist and make life unpleasant for others who have freely posted of their experiences. Even after making admission of wrong doings or careless choice of words ( everyone makes mistakes) people persist with the determination of a bull terrier with a bone, and don't leave it alone. It's this component of AF members that have forced the show of hands. Posts will likely now consist of :

    Left Manly at 5.00am to spotx
    Good catch of fish by 7.00am
    Home by 10.00am
    Maybe a photo if you are lucky with all the background greyed out by photoshop!!

    How boring will that be?? I don't know the answer except the mods issue warnings where it's needed.


  3. #78

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Haven't read the posts but saw the picture. Was objection taken because spearguns were on board? Is spear-fishing seen to be less of a sport?

  4. #79

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    No, objection to the size of the fish. Was a huge jew. People bagged him for keeping such a large fish and not either releasing or just let it swim by.

  5. #80

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by castlemaine View Post
    Haven't read the posts but saw the picture. Was objection taken because spearguns were on board? Is spear-fishing seen to be less of a sport?
    Hard to say if that was the issue as I didn't read all the responses. I do however spearfish from time to time, and I form the opinion that rod and reel has infinately more merit than a speargun.... before ya go bashing me for that, it's simply my opinion.

    cheers roz.


  6. #81

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Down there all alone with a gun in your hand could make you trigger happy. Theres no catch and release with a speargun,so i rekon if you arnt gunna eat it leave it alone.

  7. #82

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I agree with you there Jimbo, but I'm over 50 and to be honest, it took me a little while to appreciate that position.
    I wouldn't critcise the young bloke myself, I've been fortunate to catch a big jew or 2 in my time, and yes they were all eaten.
    Nowadays I look for fish around the 3 - 6 kg mark as I prefer this size to eat, I discovered the big fellas are not as much to my taste.
    Fun to catch, sure, but I don't need that kind of rush these days.
    As you say, if I aint gonna eat it, I'm happy to leave it alone.
    Personally I see no difference between spear and line fishing, it all comes down to attitude. Experience is the greatest teacher either way, IMO.

  8. #83

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by roz View Post
    Hard to say if that was the issue as I didn't read all the responses. I do however spearfish from time to time, and I form the opinion that rod and reel has infinately more merit than a speargun.... before ya go bashing me for that, it's simply my opinion.

    cheers roz.
    G'day Roz, You too a spearo, I still do it on ocassions. There was a group that use to get together once a year in Port Stephens, however all fish was never wasted ans was donated to charity such as Salvation Army, St Vincent De Paul Society and community groups to help those who are less fortunate. I agree in essence in what you said. The speargun is still good for catching painted crayfish though and its legal in the right zone within the GBR.

    Cheers Peter

  9. #84

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Personal attacks are beyond the pale and should not be tolerated.

    Aside from that, why can't we have a debate about topical issues such as:
    catch and release; or
    the pros and cons of catching "breeding stock"

    What are you afraid of?

  10. #85

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Hi Craig51063,

    There's nothing wrong with a C&R or "breeding stock" debate. The problem occurs when someone hijacks someone's report with their C&R views and at times, does so in a rude or offensive manner.

    It would be like if you invited some friends over to a bar-b-q and all of a sudden, your nosy neighbor pokes his head over the fence and starts yelling at you for not using enough coals and cooking the wrong food and serving the wrong beverages, and the plates are all wrong, etc........

    You'd probably get mad and tell him where to go and build a bigger fence. Well, here you can't build a fence so people are opting not to hold anymore bar-b-q's.

    I think that's a mistake personally but I don't blame them for getting upset.

    "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"

  11. #86

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by el_carpo View Post
    Hi Craig51063,

    There's nothing wrong with a C&R or "breeding stock" debate. The problem occurs when someone hijacks someone's report with their C&R views and at times, does so in a rude or offensive manner.

    It would be like if you invited some friends over to a bar-b-q and all of a sudden, your nosy neighbor pokes his head over the fence and starts yelling at you for not using enough coals and cooking the wrong food and serving the wrong beverages, and the plates are all wrong, etc........

    You'd probably get mad and tell him where to go and build a bigger fence. Well, here you can't build a fence so people are opting not to hold anymore bar-b-q's.

    I think that's a mistake personally but I don't blame them for getting upset.

    You can block members though through your control panel and look at miscellaneous and start typing people in the ignore bit (I think )

    It's kinda like sin-binning the person for as long as you like
    Last edited by finga; 27-09-2007 at 06:36 AM.
    I intend on living far so good

  12. #87

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by Great White View Post
    It is a real shame that the AF I have grown to love is suffering with many negative comments attacking people who are trying to share a special catch or fishing moment

    I know this has been said and done a few times, but it really annoys me as I know of alot of members that just do not put posts up anymore due to the personal attacks and negative comments.

    The rules are the rules and if someone hasn't done anything wrong why do people try and spoil their moment/post. Sure different people have their own views but if you keep a legal size fish fine, if you release a legal fish fine and if you bag out fine.

    If people do not like posts on people catching fish then I have to suggest that the need to find another site

    I for one have learnt so much off this site now I troll through posts and just shake my head. I for one will try my best to post and share what little I know if it will help others as other long standing members have done for me.

    This is just my view and will probably get my head nailed to the wall - but I had to get it off my chest!
    Last edited by reidy; 27-09-2007 at 11:38 AM.

  13. #88

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    You can block members though through your control panel and look at miscellaneous and start typing people in the ignore bit (I think )

    It's kinda like sin-binning the person for as long as you like

    WAIT A MINUTE! Do you mean to tell me I've had the power to condemn my enemies to eternal "sinbinification" all this time???!!!

    I........I........feel! YES! No longer am I the weak, helpless El_Carpo you've grown to tolerate! Now, I am El_Carpo, the golden god of destruction! RooooaaaaaarrrrrrrGHHHHHH! Fear my wrath mortals!

    Just kiddin'. I don't have anyone that I'd want to sinbin anyhow which is good because I doubt I'm clever enough to figure out how to do it anyway.

    * A quick note. I too did not see or read the thread that this thread was all about either and my previous post was not aimed at anyone so if anybody thought I was shootin' at 'em -- I wasn't and I'm sorry if I made ya mad or anything.

    Anyway, I think the lesson to learn from this topic is to just treat each other with due respect and remember that most everybody here is here for enjoyment and to learn something. Let's just all get back to doing what we've done to help keep this place the best place on the net!

    Oh, and remember to fear my wrath!

    "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"

  14. #89
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by el_carpo View Post

    There's nothing wrong with a C&R or "breeding stock" debate. The problem occurs when someone hijacks someone's report with their C&R views and at times, does so in a rude or offensive manner.

    Right on El Carpo.
    I think this view is shared by many.
    We need to respect peoples right to post a lawful fishing report..
    We have a saltwater,freshwater and general fishing chat for people to start a debate or put forth their views on this or any other issue..


  15. #90

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    You can block members though through your control panel and look at miscellaneous and start typing people in the ignore bit (I think )

    It's kinda like sin-binning the person for as long as you like
    Yes you can however you can still see their post and will get a message like this when that person does post. Sorry finga using you as an example only


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