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Thread: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

  1. #46

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    We just need to keep in mind that this is a public forum & therefore allow members to have their say ..... As long as it is within reason ! ..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... while it is within the limits regulated ... surely it should be seen as excessive ... more than example of someones prowess .. Nagg
    What if that trip to fantasy land was the only fishing trip old mate has had for 2 years and the only one he's going to have for another two years??
    If he's within the law then the overall footprint he's made on the area over 4 years is very small especially if joker number two fishes the same spot and goes everyday for 4 years to get 2 fish his dinner.

    All the factors have to be considered or found out and that's where a lot of posts go wrong.
    In the responses you have to not just consider or think about the picture or the words but other factors as well and find out the real story.
    In the thread concerned I, personally, would have let the fish swim by as I do not know enough about the species.
    But if the jew was a female and past her prime for breeding then what's the problem in keeping her. That may have actually made the area better for breeding Jew by allowing younger productive females into the area.
    Who know???
    The bloke in the picture may well have known but didn't let on. He may have been a marine biologist and doing the area a lot of good...who knows as this bloke has probably run a country mile by now...And that's a shame.

    If you find something is, in your opinion, wrong then ask some questions first. Know the full story as most reports are fairly short and some details are left out (Except you Charlie...I go and make a coffee before reading your reports and love every word before blowing the top and write something without knowing all the facts.
    Finding out the facts is important but saying the facts is just as important.
    I have raised concerns before about what has been written in reports but when all the hubhub died down the story had just been 'coloured' to make it sound better.
    In that case I would have thought nothing about the report except the boys have had a good day if it wasn't artificially flavoured.

    Constructive critism is good if purveyed in the correct manner and I, just me personally, welcome it because I don't know everything and very willing to learn ....But just tearing strips off somebody without good reason and not knowing the facts needs a lot to be desired.

    PS I wonder where I can find those commo's in the picture...I reckon I'd look pretty impressive in those shin tight commo's
    I intend on living far so good

  2. #47

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    We just need to keep in mind that this is a public forum & therefore allow members to have their say ..... As long as it is within reason ! ..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... while it is within the limits regulated ... surely it should be seen as excessive ... more than example of someones prowess .. Nagg
    well bloody said! This can and does happen and there have been such posts on ausfish. It can be excessive and in fact the limits are in possession, not just what is in your esky on the day.

    Nothing to do with jealousy or my relationship or the size or my rod or anything else. I am not a sheep and if I think something needs to be said, I'll bloody well say it. I am not a wimp either and will not be bullied into saying what some vocal others might want to hear.

    Derek can you please explain your comment "Saying it is a public forum and people should be allowed to have their say within reason is totally wrong." Why is saying something within reason wrong?

    Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 25-09-2007 at 04:51 PM.
    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  3. #48
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy View Post
    I am not a sheep and if I think something needs to be said, I'll bloody well say it. I am not a wimp either and will not be bullied into saying what some vocal others might want to hear.

    Jeremy,I have also seen replies to a fishing report accusing the bloke of catching undersized fish and calling the fish for undersized based on looking at the posted photo.
    That's pretty rude and disrespectful IMHO.
    Take finga's advise in a previous post . Its so easy to avoid the unpleasantness by sending a direct PM to the member concerned to ascertain the facts before jumping in half cocked .


  4. #49

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Jeremy,I have also seen replies to a fishing report accusing the bloke of catching undersized fish and calling the fish for undersized based on looking at the posted photo.
    That's pretty rude and disrespectful IMHO.
    My old man pointed out a picture of a cooked mud crab in a magazine somewhere that looked like a female becuase of the shape of it's back. They have a much different back shape to the males.

    Cool story Hansel.

  5. #50

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I don't mind saying what I think and I really don't care about consequences either..I stand by what I say.
    If someone catches a fish/fishes and all is within the law, then no one has the right to say anything about it. If someone wants the high ground regarding C&R and thinks they are helping the environment, good luck to them but don't criticise others because they choose to keep what is legally ok for them to keep.

    Last winter I kept 42 bream from on overnight trip..they were all eaten and if anyone thinks I kept too many...tough..I don't care..we enjoyed all of them.

  6. #51

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Maybe we should start wearing Hard Hats and Bullet Proof Vests, or have a box of tissues handy so we can take any flak thrown.

  7. #52

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    This might be abit late, but I still want to vent my disappointment in regards to the other thread..
    I was out for the arvo after posting on that catch of a life time for the young fella.. I was gobb smack at some of the attacks and what I found was truely sad and disheartening is that a young fisho has gone out put in the hard yards and hundreds of hours and dolllars to achieve what he did only to be shredded by people who obviously has not come to term with the concept of getting out behind the keyboard and respecting other achievements and initiatives...
    It was sobbering if you had to view the arguments from the young fisho point of view.. here he is, with possibly the catch of his life and was straight online to share his good fortune with others and then to see it redicule and questions raised over his action.
    I for one, have never post up a report for this very reason as at time it seem it is harder to justify your catch with the so call "preservationist" than the elements itself.
    I just hope that the people responsible for the attacks on the other thread take notice and have a quiet moments to think about what they said.. and how would they feel if that was their son or relative at the sharp end of the stick after such an achievement..

    Also BRAVO for members like Crestcutter-pinhead-finga-disorderly and many other who stood up to the "green' tide
    Last edited by hungry6; 25-09-2007 at 03:06 PM.
    Humility is not a weather condition.

  8. #53

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I bought a particular boat becauce one Ausfish member gave me some real good advise. He no longer posts here but I believe it is because of negativity he copped on one of his posts. What a pity.
    I copped abuse due to an email, I believed was recent and geniune, that I posted here. My mistake but lucky someone stood up for me and I'm still here. Nearly had to get the tissues out.
    My father is a pensioner and the way he shows his generosity is by giving the siblings and grandchildren, fish for their dinner. Someone who sees him at the boat ramp day after day may think he's a guts.
    I've seen people keep undersize fish because they didn't know the rules well enough, sites like this are good a educational tool.
    My point is don't judge people by your standards but you can still voice your concerns without being judgmental. Cheers

  9. #54

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by webby View Post
    Maybe we should start wearing Hard Hats and Bullet Proof Vests, or have a box of tissues handy so we can take any flak thrown.
    just be like into a phone box and change into the budgie smugglers and cape...BUT...don't ever create wash behind your boat..the abuse from that is massive..LOL

  10. #55

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    enough said
    Tangles KFC

  11. #56

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    well webby mentioned a helmut when typing a report
    Tangles KFC

  12. #57

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I'm not going to buy the 'if it's legal you have no right to complain' argument.
    People complain about things that are legal every day. Who here can honestly say they havent complained about something just because it was legal. I can't say I have ever heard someone say 'gee thats wrong, but it's legal so i'll just agree with it'

  13. #58

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Saying it is a public forum and people should be allowed to have their say within reason is totally wrong.
    This needs defining because what is within reason to one person is not necessarily within reason to another. That is a why the rules of the boards define it.

    You agree, through your use of this Chat Board, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law.


  14. #59

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish73 View Post
    I'm not going to buy the 'if it's legal you have no right to complain' argument.
    People complain about things that are legal every day. Who here can honestly say they havent complained about something just because it was legal. I can't say I have ever heard someone say 'gee thats wrong, but it's legal so i'll just agree with it'
    If I am not breaking any law in what I do, I really don't care what anyone else thinks ....anti smoking mob probably hate me smoking..but no law against it. Rechabites would hate me drinking ..and some people must hate me for keeping stated factor = 0.

    I don't whine about C&R fishers even though I do not agree with it..that is their prerogative and I accept that.

    Too much fun to be had to worry about some other person's penchant for a good time..and if they catch more fish than me..or bigger fish...good luck to them...all I am then is envious.

  15. #60

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Hamish73, I don't think your getting the picture. The vast majority of people do not want other people shooting them down in their report. Unless you have something good to say pull your head in and and start your own whinge thread and wait for the replies.

    It's not like these attacks are at people who state "this 80cm Dusky i got today tasted great". They are doing nothing wrong in what they are doing. If they were I'm sure fisheries would change the rules.

    Cheers Chris
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

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