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Thread: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

  1. #31

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Secret Relations, i think its very much a case of keyboard warriors. They come on and say on a keyboard what they are to piss weak to say in person.
    Personally ive stopped posting my reports as i cant be bothered telling someone that i actually EAT fish and enjoy the preperation, the wait, the fight and most of all eating the goddam thing.
    Goodluck in policing this but as long as there is more than one opinion (and face it we have about 10,000) there will be disagreements and arguments left right and center.

  2. #32

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I didn't get to read the questionable remarks on that thread, but from what's been posted here I gather C & R was on the menu.

    I really think it is inappropriate to use someone elses fishing report to peddle your own opinions and agenda, it's mean spirited and can quickly take the gloss from the catch of a life time.

    There are other sections in ausfish, where the pros and cons of C&R, or anything fishing related can be vigorously debated, not some poor bugga's fishing report!!!

    Who ever did this needs to really get a life.

    Oh!!! One more thing..... Pinhead, you pooor poooooor fragile widdle pet

    cheers r.
    Last edited by roz; 24-09-2007 at 05:34 PM.


  3. #33

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Obviously the ones that tear someone down are under the thumb and come on here and try to "Be the man" again. Get a life!

    Avast ye matey!

  4. #34

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by dogsbody View Post
    Obviously the ones that tear someone down are under the thumb and come on here and try to "Be the man" again. Get a life!

    This sort of comment does nothing for the debate and only fuels antagonism.


  5. #35

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I read a few of the original posts and was disgusted by the comments. It's comments like these that stop others from reporting a great days fishing and sharing their experiences with fellow members. I for 1 enjoy reading these reports as I can't go fishing as often as I'd like due to working out in central Qld.


  6. #36

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Sorry didn't think it through enough. Delete it then.

    Avast ye matey!

  7. #37

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Guys you know i try and promote catch and release , but that just means more fish for those who keep them, and yes i do keep a feed, i hope people just use thier manners and respect what others may chose to do.

  8. #38

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I didn't get a chance to read the thread, so I guess my comments are somewhat ill informed. I am not a c&r person, but on some scenes I place my additional size limits because I think the legal ones are too small. Regardless, was this fish not caught from spearfishing? Would have been a bit hard/stupid to release. Not that I necessarily agree with spearfishing either, but it would have been a hell of a ride.

  9. #39

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Thanks for all the responses there have been some great words of wisdom spoken (none by me) I am pretty thick skinned, but hate to see a new member get set upon when they are trying to share a post on a fish that they are proud of.

    The facts are some of the senior members are not posting much or at all these days which is a shame. I welcome debates and differences of opinions but some get too personal in the attacks, and the post just goes off topic and into a mud slinging match which then gets closed by the mods.

    So we have less senior members posting, new members shut down if they try and post. So who does that leave ??????

    I, for one, would rather read the reports of peoples success and failures, what worked/what did not - to feed my passion and increase my skills and knowledge until I can next get on the water and go for a fish!
    Peter :cool:

  10. #40

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I have seen and experienced it personally and I have to say that it is most unpleasant when you have a happy thread soured by negativity. I always resort to the age old saying "If you have nothing good to say, then keep your mouth shut and say nothing at all!" Let the happy fisher person enjoy their moments on here. For those of us remaining who persist in putting up a post of a fishing trip good or bad well done. Always great to have a read about your exploits so keep them coming. Thanks Pete for airing your thoughts.


  11. #41

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    there will always be negative people who will complain and try to belittle someone elses achivements . whether or not we should ban them from the site I am not sure as we do live in a society of free speech . trying to ignore them sometimes is impossible but the good people who post on Aus Fish out weigh the
    negative people .
    cheers fae haggis .........................

  12. #42

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    I am very VERY concerned to note that people are no longer posting their catch due to the above problem! I believe that we CANNOT afford to allow these dissenting few to stop the rest on here posting their result, as we a merely giving up such an easy fight! As suggested above, ignoring the offenders is the way to go. I for one know that when I see a great haul it incites hope and joy to the fishing part of my brain. Why deny your fellow salties for the sake of a very unfortunate few?! DON'T LET 'EM WIN!!!


  13. #43

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    We just need to keep in mind that this is a public forum & therefore allow members to have their say ..... As long as it is within reason ! ..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... while it is within the limits regulated ... surely it should be seen as excessive ... more than example of someones prowess .. Nagg

  14. #44

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    We just need to keep in mind that this is a public forum & therefore allow members to have their say ..... As long as it is within reason ! ..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... while it is within the limits regulated ... surely it should be seen as excessive ... more than example of someones prowess .. Nagg
    This forum is owned and operated by Steve Brown (Ausfish). Steve has set a standards and rules for the forum and appointed Moderators like myself to uphold those standards and rules. All members agreed to these rules when registering and are available here

    Saying it is a public forum and people should be allowed to have their say within reason is totally wrong.

    Moderators work hard to try and maintain this as a good family focused forum. For those interested; when a post or thread is deleted it is kept in a folder accessible by Moderators. This currently has 4709 threads with 27,069 posts in it. That will give you some idea of the difficult task we have in removing inappropriate posts.
    Last edited by mod5; 24-09-2007 at 11:16 PM.


  15. #45
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    ..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... .. Nagg
    nagg,where is this place?I would love to visit a destination where I could bag out day in day out.

    I think you may have missed the point though as the thread was started because a bloke copped some flak for a photo of a single very large mulloway not some pie in the sky fantasy of yours.


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