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Thread: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

  1. #1

    Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    First time out this season and after the rain I was surprised to see the bass in such good condition and still biting. Best was a 43 cms but really fat. Another few were all around 30 cms. Took four hours to catch them - but I am in no hurry. The bass are really schooling right now and it won't be long before they get really active.

    Returned to the ramp to find some low-life has stolen my winch handle! Thanks to a guy with a ski boat who helped me get out of the water.

    Had to buy a new winch so if said low life would like the rest of my old winch just give me me your name, address and phone number...


  2. #2

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    nice little session mate good to see theres still some nice somerset bass around i will be heading out there at the end of the year after some what did you get the bass on mate?

  3. #3

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    Purple Hot Lips. But these usually catch more Yellowbelly than bass. I find that bass like gold or green but on Saturday I caught them all on purple in Bay 13


  4. #4

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    went to somerset myself on saturday and took the wife and her sister with one objective, to get the sister in law a bass casting and retrieving . well after i pulled in three bass to 36cm on my favourite jackall and her whinging that her spinnerbait wasnt working and no sooner had the words come from her mouth wammo a nice 32cm bass enhaled that spinnerbait, not bad for her first fish ,then it was the wifes turn and not to be out done a 43cm bass is netted and for five bass in a few hours not a bad session for a few novices

  5. #5

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    Where abouts did you catch your fish HH?

  6. #6

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    Good sesh, but there has to be some ###### that comes along and spoils it. they seem to do it to just make someone else day bad probably because there lifes are so bad. Oh well at least your up and running again well done mate.

    What about a stationed web cam or something they have done it in Tassie I beleve my catch a few and also can see the water before you leave. Not a bad thing for our dams as most of us travel so far and theres so much hard earned dollars left at the ramp.


  7. #7

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    around the hump and up in the shallow bay across from pelican point

  8. #8

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    garanteed the thief was a water skier cause no respected fisho would steel another fishos winch handle, they think they bloody own the place

  9. #9

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by husserhunter View Post
    garanteed the thief was a water skier cause no respected fisho would steel another fishos winch handle, they think they bloody own the place

    That would have to be the most DUMBEST thing I have ever heard anyway say...both statements actually...but lets not open the 'skiers suck' can of worms again.

    A winch handle goes missing, and automatically you assume its a skier who took it just because they enjoy a sport that you small minded are you?!?!?!

  10. #10

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    Actually I blame myself.
    • The trailer was locked to the car:
    • I had a wheel clamp on the spare wheel:
    • The outboard engine is padlocked to the boat.
    • I always take the key with me when I leave the boat
    I usually remove the winch handle and put it in the boot but hey I forgot. It was so easy to remove - Pull out a pin with your fingers and off comes the handle! Stupid idea anyway but it can't fall off by itself.

    There were only a dozen boats there all day.

    It must have been somebody who really needed it because I had a hell of a job getting my boat onto my trailer and only succeeded when a guy with a ski boat helped me out. I would not do this to anybody.

    I remember towing a ski boat back to the ramp last year when he broke down. Must be karma or something coming back to me.


  11. #11

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    Chances are that it was kids (or some lowlife) out for a bit of fun...they didnt need it, nor want it! They just took it because they could. I had a foot control for my bowmount pinched from Somerset Camp grounds whilst were we there a few years back.

    Just lucky that skier (who apparantly thinks he owns the place) came to your rescue and helped you out.

  12. #12

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    ha ha Leigh77 lol!!!

  13. #13

    Re: Somerset 8 Sept 2007

    look, leigh77, i didnt mean to upset you or anyone else its just that ive had alot of bad experiences with wakeboarders (not skiers like i previously posted) only at somerset, no other se qld dams, so i apologise

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