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Thread: Coast Guard membership

  1. #16

    Re: Coast Guard membership

    I know the we at QF3 Redcliffe are not allowed to use anyones phone numbers and details for any purpose that they are not intended for. If you purchase a raffle ticket, your name is not taken from that and used unless you win something. The same goes for you membership details. It is all for our records and not to be given out too anyone outside the flotilla.

  2. #17

    Re: Coast Guard membership

    I think that the VMR and CG do a great job.

    I am under the impression as an associate member of VMR Raby Bay that they offer the following: Queensland-wide cover: refund cost incurred from assitance by other resuce organisations (other VMR squadrons or Coastguard) for up to 2 hours of towing.

    Which I personally think is great.

    Below is the doc where I got this information from.

    Anyway again I think you guys do a great job.

  3. #18

    Re: Coast Guard membership

    Quote Originally Posted by GAFYM View Post
    I do not argue that both do a great job, and are a lifesaving organisation. However, i was more donations....for fuel etc for towing. There is a rate and u pay. From what i read, i may have been misinformed.
    I do not begrudge paying a membership fee for VMR/CG whatever but 2 or 3 is getting a bit rich. I will not buy raffle tickets from either because then the phone calls start.....(usually from India/Paki). Will always donate to them same as i do to the Lifesavers
    Hi all,

    This has sparked a good debate...
    As for No more donations...yes that is correct GAFYM.....We can not accept donations..( no invoice ) It is becoming a business more & more each day..
    We bill per hour//// as mentioned in my other post above....

    I find it a bit sad how you think if you buy a raffle ticket you will be hounded by calls......These raffles are all "in house".....or LOCAL FUND RAISING...VMR"s have
    never in the history of Volunteer's.... given your phone #'s to any CALL CENTER...

    Any way to give you an idear of what we get for RAFFLE MONEY...
    Fuel costs for ONE Volunteer Marine Resque Squadron for the last financial year was $40,000......Fuel Only....

    Anyway ..thats my 2 cents worth


  4. #19

    Re: Coast Guard membership

    Quote Originally Posted by SgBFish View Post
    The" Volunteer Marine Rescue" & "Coast Guard" are two separate Organisations, which is crazy, it’s like having 2 ambulance services side by side and your only a member of one!

    As an associate member of the Redcliffe Coast Guard if I require assistance from the Bribie Island VMR I am not covered and would be obliged to offer a donation.

    The benefits of membership are that these organisations have your details on a database such as mobile phone number, vehicle details and next of kin contacts in the event of an emergency. It also allows for easier logging on and off through the use of member mobile numbers.

    Currently Coastguard membership is $55 per year, which is cheap insurance compared to what people spend on their boats.

    I know this will stir things up but prior to the ambulance levy there are free loaders who expect the service to help them when in need but won’t join. The same is the case with membership of the Rescue organisations. I would add $20 (that’s the price of bait for one trip) to everyone’s boat rego and fully fund the service. Of course there are issue of equity for those who fish impoundments but currently there is a greater inequity of a minority funding the majority.

    This would allow the closest base to assist irrespective of the boat owner’s allegiance. The State Government needs to stop freeloading off the good nature of the volunteers and members of these organisations.



    Couldnt agree more with your comments. With the limited budget of the Qld water police, (new assets requiring big running costs, and in effect reducing Police activity) there is a MASSIVE reliance on VMR's. I would hate to see what would occur if all VMR's shut up shop and left all their 'assigned' Police & QAS taskings back to the water police. I think the Vmr's should have enough funding to allow for on the water training of crew on a regular basis, where as it is these days the only chance a Vmr crew can get experience is on a callout, with the boat packed with crew because the flotilla cant afford to run the boat's for training .Whats 20 dollars, its a couple of coffees and a few snacks at the servo. On the other hand, some might be willing to either
    1- skimp on paying the volounteers after a resuce
    2- pay the full cost of a resuce/salvage . qf3 used to go on 120 an hour, probably more now with fuel costs. e.g tow from wide caloundra to scarbough est $480.


    fish guts

  5. #20

    Re: Coast Guard membership

    I picked $20 out of the air as a reasonable cost that most boaties could wear. The DOT numbers suggest that there are 180,000 registered boats in QLD that would give the VMR/CG around the state an extra $3.6M in funding.
    I don’t see the point in getting people who have volunteered their time to help save life and property to sell sausages at Bunnings on the weekend to cover fuel costs!!!
    The advantage with this is that it reves the cross jurisdiction pickup issues that have been identified. The nearest provider whether they be VRM of CG would do the service and the cost coming from their funding allocation.
    There could also be funding set aside for training.
    Just a thought.

  6. #21

    Re: Coast Guard membership

    I here ya Scott,

    That would solve a lot of pressure in trying to find monies to run the boats...
    I personally find it de-grading asking people for money.
    Its getting so trying to draw blood out of a stone
    Anyway your idear is a good one but i dont think the gov looks at it the same..
    We should ask that beaty scum for some of his $2,000000 for Volunteers


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