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Wind on leaders
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Thread: Wind on leaders

  1. #1

    Question Wind on leaders

    Does any-one use these?

    If so, for what type of fishing?

    Are they any good?

    What benefits (if any) do they have over the traditional Bimini twist/Albright knot (or other) system?

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2

    Re: Wind on leaders

    Wind-on's are predominantly used in game fishing where long and/or heavy leaders are required. The main advantage is the loop to loop (still need the Bimini on your main line) gives a strong,simple & small connection that allows the leader to be wound onto the reel for tagging/gaffing big fish. Also, if damaged, a new pre-made leader can be attached in seconds and virtually fool-proof (compared to tying knots) even under stress of ahot bite or rough sea. Expensive if you buy pre-made but relatively cheap if you 'roll your own'.


  3. #3

    Re: Wind on leaders

    A wind on is generally heavier than the main line and can take up a lot of space on the spool thereby reducing line capacity and drag leverage (with the diameter of line left on being comparatively less)

  4. #4

    Re: Wind on leaders

    I forgot to mention that a wind on is an easy way to get a degree of shock leader and distance between a rough bottom like coral that plays havoc on braid when bottom fishing

  5. #5

    Smile Re: Wind on leaders

    Quote Originally Posted by the_bomber View Post
    I forgot to mention that a wind on is an easy way to get a degree of shock leader and distance between a rough bottom like coral that plays havoc on braid when bottom fishing

    That's just what I was thinking. I had heard of them before but yesterday I saw one at the local tackle store and thought "what a great idea".

    John, you are right about the expense though, they weren't cheap but I thought that was because it was very heavy mono (from memory the lightest mono was 120kg)

    Are they easy to make yourself? Where would you get the stuff you need? Also, exactly what would you need to make one, I might give it a go!



  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
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    Feb 2002

    Re: Wind on leaders

    my understanding has always been that if you were fishing for, say, Tuna or Mackerel., you have the leader long enough to get a few wraps on the reel & still have a rod length or two still out. this way you can use lighter line, 3,4,6kg & get better casting distance & more feel. When you get fish to boat you have a leader with enough strength to hold fish while you tag/land etc.

  7. #7

    Re: Wind on leaders

    Wellsey's tackle supply all the needles , dacron leader and whipping. For more info try this



    that didn't work do a goodle search for " wind on leaders " and there are about half a dozen, How to's and What for's in the first few pages
    Last edited by finding_time; 05-09-2007 at 05:23 PM.
    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  8. #8

    Re: Wind on leaders

    Wind on leaders are great, save plenty of time and give you that little bit of give/stretch and abrasion resistance that braid doesnt offer, but they are not for all situations. They make rerigging easy as pie! I use mine for jigging offshore, bottom bouncing and flicking lures... all on overheads, I find if you use them on spinning outfits they get caught in the guides easy.

    I make my own, to buy a 60lb windon in the shops is about 7 bucks, I can make about 8 an hour easy in front of the tv and they cost stuff all easy under $2 a pop for a 2metre long 60lb. I make everywhere from 40lb to 120lb no worries.

    Once you know how to make them, they are a breeze.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Premium Member jason p's Avatar
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    Jun 2009

    Re: Wind on leaders

    mat theres a guy on here "yalta" he was making wind on leaders to order may pay to give him a pm


  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Wind on leaders

    That E auction site also has heaps of people that make them. Cost is still around $5 each. The Egrell website has a tutorial on how to make them.

    I use them for offshore fishing in deep water. Mainly as a shock leader. I then attach a swivel to the bottom of the wind on and use an ordinary leader on the other side to suit conditions I'm fishing in.

    I have 55lb braid, then 5 metres of 60lb wind on leader attached via a bimini twist (in the braid), 80lb swivel and then anywhere between 60lb - 100lb leader attached to the hooks for fishing.

    If you get snagged, then rock the rod so the 60lb - 100lb leader rubs through and then just retie at the swivel and away you go.

    I also use 35lb wind on leaders on a smaller spin rod. This has size 4 micro's and it casts through those without issue. Same set up as above.

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