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Thread: First good snapper on rubber - almost

  1. #1

    First good snapper on rubber - almost

    Hi all,
    Went out in 75 meter yesterday chasing snapper. Had 2 lines down bait fishing while drifting. I got out a 7"nc on a 1 1/2 oz jig head for a go. On about the third drop a good fish nailed it, it was fighting like a good snapper and had him coming after a couple of minutes. About half way up it all stopped and i couldn't get any more on it. I had the 14lb braid all but maxed out and couldn't figure it out. Line was slowly coming off the reel as the current and wind pulled me. After a few mins I motored back up the line putting as much as I could on it and was gaining some line.
    When I got over the top of it I could see an old anchor line or trap line about 15-20 feet below the boat with my 7-8 kilo snapper wrapped around it. I was fishing solo so I tried to put some more on the rod to get the line up, then snap went my new graphite rod . I then tried to hand line 14lb braid with no success as the leader cut through on the old rope.
    I watched over the side as the rope and the snapper floated back down to the depths.
    Don't know what was more disappointing, snapping my new rod or loosing my first good rubber caught snapper. Hmmm the snapper I think.
    Regards Wayne

  2. #2

    Re: First good snapper on rubber - almost

    Now thats a sad fishin story from lots of aspects!! Sorry to hear it Wayne - better luck next time mate.

    Check the warranty on that rod... sometimes if the brand is good enough - like reddington - they will do a rebuild or replace. Good luck!



  3. #3

    Re: First good snapper on rubber - almost

    Oh god, thats sad all round!

    Lets hope that at least the big snapper managed to get clear of the be caught another day!

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