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Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07 - Page 3
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Thread: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

  1. #31

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    From the ABC tonight, truly devastating, all the deaths were apparently from the one boat.

    Four dead, 10 injured after boat collision

    Police have now confirmed that four people were killed and 10 injured tonight after two boats collided near the mouth of the Brisbane River.

    Police say the collision took place at about 4.40pm AEST, two kilometres from the mouth of the river on Moreton Bay.

    Inspector Ross Martin says the four people killed and another who was critically injured were on board one boat.

    Of the 10 passengers on board the other boat, seven received minor injuries, two were critically injured and the male skipper was not hurt.

    Inspector Martin says the cause of the accident is not known.

    "The Water Police and the forensic crash unit will conduct investigations into the cause, they'll interview the surviving people but that'll be handled, I'd say, from tomorrow," he said.

    One of the boats sunk and the other is badly damaged.

  2. #32

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Fark I just got home, not sure what to say lost for words .............
    Last edited by Black_Rat; 01-09-2007 at 09:37 PM.

  3. #33
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jun 2007

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    loophole ever heard of It gets updated just so you know and the news is updated when it comes to hand so you should be thankful and all those stories are true. Did any1 here if the other boat sunk? The first 1 did.

  4. #34
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jun 2007

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    u thank u timmy 94 i am still shaken up that this has happened thats why i have posted so much.
    "True Blue"

  5. #35
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Its a very sad night .Brejen , Gawby and myself were dangling a line at the 36's N E of the seaway when it happened . We were on channel and heard the emergency teams coordinating the rescues and searches.
    From the news reports it seems that speed had a major hand in the event .Our thoughts are with the victims .

  6. #36

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    An absolute trajety alright I hope for the skippers sake they were sober I would not be suprised to here QLD FOLLOW SOUTHERN STATES WITH COMPULSERY LIFE JACKETS weather on the move or on the water
    Anyhow I was on the river this arvo and I lost the party mood I was also searching at low speed for suvivors and was really suppriesed to be told by qld water police to leave to area I did not see the impact but was there very soon after I was not in anyones way. but many moved in and wrere a real problem.

  7. #37
    Ausfish Platinum Member roz's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Terrible news, a tragic father's day weekend for some families no doubt.

    Loophole, be thankful that Derek is updating the news as it comes in.

    Thankyou Derek.



  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jul 2005

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Can i hear someone saying, SORRY DEREK.

    When an incident like this happens sketchy information comes in and is reported on. As time progresses more information is gathered and an update is conducted. This update normally changes the last information supplied.
    Hence, the information that Derek supplied was being updated as it came to hand. This is how reports are updated on TV and Radio as well.
    So i say, don't knock Derek for suppling information trying to keep us informed on such a tragic incident.

  9. #39

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    My daughter has just returned from the area (good news for me) (went to river fire)

    She saw a boat being towed back in that she described as very smashed (I know that is stating the obvious from the news reports of course).

    Sounds like a half cabin or cuddy cabin, from her description with the cabin itself looking badly damaged as if the other boat had gone over the top, screen smashed, shades demolished.

    NOW this is just a description of what she saw passing by the tow (within 30 meters) we are not wanting to add to any rumour mill.

    Very sad night for some families.

    C&C (and S)

  10. #40

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Shocking to think that something like this can happen during the day When I was first told about it I thought for sure it was at night

    I read 10 people on a 7 meter boat ????? not sure but I would think that is too many but kids under 12 ? count as 1/2 an adult. I guess all the details and full story will be in tomorrows paper.

    I hope and pray for those injured to pull through and what can be said for those that lost their lives 4 in total, how tragic.

    Just makes you take note of how things can go deadly wrong on the water and we should all take extra care.
    Peter :cool:

  11. #41

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    From NineMSN...

    Four confirmed dead in Qld boat crash

    Saturday Sep 1 22:16 AEST
    Four people are dead, including a child, and three are critically injured after two boats collided off Brisbane.
    Police said two pleasure craft collided about 2km from Pinkenba, on Moreton Bay, at about 4.30pm (AEST) on Saturday.
    Two men, a woman and a child, aged around eight years old, were killed and one person was critically injured onboard one boat, police said.

    In the other boat, a seven metre vessel, two people received critical injuries, seven people suffered minor injuries, while the skipper, a 17-year-old boy, was uninjured.
    The injured were ferried back to shore where ambulances were waiting, before being taken to the Royal Brisbane Hospital.
    A Queensland Ambulance Service spokesman said the worst injury among the seven "walking wounded" with minor injuries was a fractured arm.
    An air and water search and rescue operation has now been called off as all people on the boats are accounted for.
    Queensland Police Inspector Ross Martin said the teenage skipper was breath tested and no alcohol was detected. He said the boy had a licence to drive the vessel.
    The cause of the crash wasn't clear, and investigations had begun, Insp Martin said.

    I reckon this kid has just totally screwed his life...

    Imagine the weight of this on your young shoulders. Even if he wasn't at fault - he would be constantly thinking "If only I had........"

    My heartfelt condolences to all involved.

    I am off to bed, after I go and smile at my kids for a while as they sleep.

    Its just another reminder to major on the important things in life. Tomorrow may not happen, so make today count.

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
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    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Hi All

    TINN & I were at the lions game when we got the call from Mrs TINN telling us of the tragic news! We couldn't believe it and spent the whole 2nd qtr sitting there in shock wondering how such a thing could happen in the Brissie (or just out)???

    Unbelievable and as i sit here and type after reading all the news reports on the incident, i'm still in disbelief! How one persons error can be so costly! The 8yr old victim hits home - we celebrated our sons 1st b'day today with close friends of whom almost all have young kids... You just want to hug them and never let go !

    Take Care T
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  13. #43
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Shocking news. Just got home from the Powderfinger/silverchair concert on a big high but am now in shock and cant believe what i'm reading.

    T - We also celebrated our boys 1st birthday today. The whole day has been a total buzz (until now) but this news has really hit home, especially when i heard that young kids where involved in the accident, it relates now more than ever.

    Just makes you realise how important each and every day with them is.

    Its hard to believe that something like this can happen on a stretch of water as vast as the brissie river, but i guess today there was probably a lot more traffic out than any other day in the year and boats full of people (distractions) sure dont help.

    My sincerest condolences to all those affected by this terrible accident.

  14. #44

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Paula Doneman, David Murray, Kate Patterson and Kay Dibben
    September 02, 2007 12:00am
    THREE members of a family, including a boy, 8, were among four people killed in a boating tragedy on Brisbane's Moreton Bay late yesterday.
    Police said the boy, two men and a woman in her 20s died when the two pleasure craft collided at 4.40pm.
    All four dead were on board a 5.5m Haines Hunter boat which collided with a 7m cruiser, skippered by a 17-year-old male.
    He was the only person out of the 15 involved in the accident to escape unhurt. They were all from Brisbane.
    Ten others, including children and adults from two families, were rescued by water police and taken to hospital for treatment. Three were in critical condition, including a woman who was the only survivor from the smaller boat.
    Police Insp Ross Martin said: "Three of the deceased were from one family and there was another deceased believed to be a friend of that family."
    The teenage skipper of the larger craft was breath-tested by police. He tested negative for alcohol.
    The horror accident happened two nautical miles east of the Brisbane River mouth. Just a few kilometres away, tens of thousands of people were gathering to celebrate the annual Riverfire.
    Police said it was not known whether either boat was heading to the river for the celebrations.
    The injured were taken to waiting ambulances at Pinkenba.
    Insp Martin said: "It's a tragedy. We dread these jobs, it just shows how short your life can be. At this stage the water police in conjunction with our forensic crash unit are conducting investigations into the cause.
    "After talking to the injured, we believe everyone has been accounted for."
    The seriously injured were taken to hospital under police escort.
    One of the boats sank, and efforts were being made to re-float it last night.
    A police spokeswoman said: "The crash certainly wasn't a slow-speed impact."
    Queensland Ambulance Service acting Brisbane area director Steve Coombs said the injured children included a seven-year-old with a fractured arm, a 13-year-old girl with knee and hip injuries and a 15-year-old girl with a head injury.
    A search and rescue helicopter contracted to the RAAF, which was in Brisbane with the Roulettes for Riverfire, was brought in to search for people in the water. It had a heat-detecting device.
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  15. #45

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Thanks Derek for the continued updates on this tradgey.

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