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Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07 - Page 4
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Thread: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

  1. #46

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    This is a tragic event for Brisbane. This hits home hard for me being so close to where I live now. I still believe their is something fundamentally wrong with a 17 year old being allowed access to such a powerful craft.
    Granted he may have the correct licence however we all know how easy it is to obtain one. Even if he is not at fault, the ability to foresee and evade such an event only comes with experience. An adult made a decision to give him the keys to operate this craft. They had a duty of care which sadly has ended in the loss of life and injuries.

    Last edited by Lone_Wolf; 02-09-2007 at 06:48 AM.

  2. #47

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    I think there is too many assumptions and opinions on fault and circumstances here by some Ausfishers replying to this thread.

    How about we let the authorities do their job. How about we let the family and friends of the victims grieve and the injured recover.

    You can debate the facts when they are released.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  3. #48

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    A police spokeswoman said: "The crash certainly wasn't a slow-speed impact."
    Two boats collide at speed. I think the assumptions are correct Phil. Not one point of view put forward in this article by Ausfishers has been extreme.

    I agree however that there is a need to respect these families right to grieve.


  4. #49
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    I think there is too many assumptions and opinions on fault and circumstances here by some Ausfishers replying to this thread.

    How about we let the authorities do their job. How about we let the family and friends of the victims grieve and the injured recover.

    You can debate the facts when they are released.

    well said and totally agree with it.


  5. #50

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Jeez, didn't want to get into this and will close the thread if it continues.

    Quote from Lone-Wolf "Granted he may have the correct licence however we all know how easy it is to obtain one. Even if he is not at fault, the ability to foresee and evade such an event only comes with experience. An adult made a decision to give him the keys to operate this craft. They had a duty of care which sadly has ended in the loss of life and injuries."

    Point of view 1. you state how easy it is to obtain a licence. .. maybe for some

    Point of view 2. Even if it is not his fault.... assumption

    Point of view 3. ability to foresee.... things can happen in less than a split second, it may be that a skipper of 40 years experience could not have avoided the incident

    Point of view 4. An adult gave him the keys... the 17 y/o may be the boat owner ... assumption

    Point of view 5. They had a duty of care.... again you assume it was an adult that owned the boat.

    Any point of view or assumption put forward whether extreme or not, should not be placed here at this time and under the current circumstances.

    People wonder why the facts get twisted, rumours start and mis-information is passed on and built on.

    To everyone, Please keep any further comments on this thread in perspective and in relation to all victims of this incident.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  6. #51
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Come on Phil everyone is entitled to voice their opion, that's what makes this forum. Let members decide who they think are tosser's.

    IMO, it get's me going that the changes to the Laws that could have avoided such an accident are always changed after the loss of life's. I'm not saying that it could have been avoided, I don't know the details. But I truly hope something is changed. I am not blaming anyone, but we are all questioning the license system and maybe a "P" plate should be introduced. I don't care who is at fault.


  7. #52

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    too many assumptions.
    Dont rule out mechanical failure.
    remember that cruiser up on the rocks from mackay recenty??
    It's a tradegy and one poor family is having the worst fathers day ever and my heart goes out to them.

  8. #53

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Just woke up after a fishing trip to read this, what a shocking news!!! My gut sank when I read the report and trying to get through everyone posts to see if there was a more positive outcome.
    It's a tradgedy when lives are lost and more so the living will go on bearing a lifetime of "if what" feeling.
    I'm still lost for words.
    Humility is not a weather condition.

  9. #54
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    lock the thread will ya Phill..or delete it altogether...some of these people will have that young bloke involved guilty of everything without knowing a single fact.

  10. #55

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    I'd say please don't lock it Phil, (but lets not allow any "trial by chat board" for the young guy).

    We are a mature bunch of people, lets learn how to manage these situations respectfully.

    Some of us have gone off to hug our kids, we've all paused to think about the sadness of other families.

    You've reminded us not to prejudge or make assumptions, which is a fair call.

    Lets see how it goes, because this is an important (and tragic) event for the fishing and baoting community of Brisbane. I recon its important to talk about it adn learn from it.

    Last edited by Chas & Clarry; 02-09-2007 at 09:30 AM.

  11. #56
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
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    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    this is starting to head the way of the thread a few years ago when the young bloke & his girl sank out near coochie a few years ago.. some said it happened because he was fat..
    unless you were there, please keep your assumptions to yourself as you only make yourself look foolish.

  12. #57
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Quote Originally Posted by Lone_Wolf View Post
    This is a tragic event for Brisbane. This hits home hard for me being so close to where I live now. I still believe their is something fundamentally wrong with a 17 year old being allowed access to such a powerful craft.
    Granted he may have the correct licence however we all know how easy it is to obtain one. Even if he is not at fault, the ability to foresee and evade such an event only comes with experience. An adult made a decision to give him the keys to operate this craft. They had a duty of care which sadly has ended in the loss of life and injuries.

    bloody hell ,hope you dont ever get called for JURY DUTY.guilty!!!!!!!now lets go home.cheers alex ps the young bloke feels bad enough ,and obviously when you got your licence(you do have one??) avoiding collision at sea is the responsibity of all skippers, was not pointed out to condolences to all affected by this event

  13. #58
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    Quote Originally Posted by Lone_Wolf View Post
    I still believe their is something fundamentally wrong with a 17 year old being allowed access to such a powerful craft.
    . An adult made a decision to give him the keys to operate this craft. They had a duty of care which sadly has ended in the loss of life and injuries.

    I think we also need to let the police investigation run its course without speculation into how it happened when we we not there!
    However lone wolf's point here would make an interesting thread,as would the debate about teenagers and cars.
    Maybe later though as there are obviously grieving families and emotionally damaged survivors and dont forget those that took part in the search and rescue and recovery of the dead.
    Such an already tragic situation. but let the investigators do there job and if neccessary make your own judgments based on the results of the inquest/investigation.
    Plenty of time for recriminations later.


  14. #59

    Re: Boat Crash Brisbane River 01.09.07

    This post is now locked. Lets respect the dead, the survivors, the rescuers and there families. People need to grieve in peace.


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